Trophies for all, in sports. If you have a child that has played on a sports team (mostly the city/county sports)?

Trophies for all, in sports. If you have a child that has played on a sports team (mostly the city/county sports) they all win trophies. The top to the bottom teams, they all win trophies.No one loses.

Before I go further, I have two children and both play sports. One has, a good percentage of the time, been on the losing team, the other, on the winning team.So this is something I've seen for awhile, now. What I want to know is this, what does this teach the children?

When did it become a bad thing to be on the losing team? I teach my children to have fun, do their best and play hard. I also teach them that sometimes, yes, they will lose.

Losing isn't bad, it gives you the opportunity to learn...that's what I tell my kids.Is that so wrong? This year, the Athletic Association we belong to sent out ballots to vote on whether or not we will give everyone trophies and if we do, what kind. It came back 48% everyone gets them, 42% - the 1st, 2nd & 3rd place teams got them (that's how I voted) and 10% didn't vote.

All the kids get trophies, again. Asked by CAK 41 months ago Similar questions: Trophies sports child played team city county Sports & Recreation.

Similar questions: Trophies sports child played team city county.

I liked Tae Kon Do sports. You are rewarded and got a huge trophy. You earned it for easy steps like belts etc and competitions.

Everyone got an award that they earned... and every kid could earn one with no problem. My son still has his trophies. He is now in the Marines and they get ranks, and other rewards too in a similar way.

Since you can't control how a team plays... and all people deserve equal time playing... they should all get something to say they participated.

I agree with you, My kids aren’t old enough to win or not win trophies so I have yet to learn how to comfort them when they loose, but to give all children a trophy is a waste of a great learning experience. Everyday in every situation we will win or loose (sports, job interviews, that great parking space, AOTD , the "man/woman of your dreams", $1 million, what ever) and to have learned in childhood how to win or loose gracefully and fairly is one of the best lessons of all. And this practice is pooping all over that opportunity.

I think the original idea may have been to let the children who lost to "get something for trying and good job", because not every kid has a parent like you who helps them understand that it’s OK to loose and maybe if they try again they may win- the important thing is have fun and do your best. There are many parents out there who are just bad-sports themselves. But, this practice has missed the mark in my opinion.

I feel that what the kids end up learning is that no matter how hard they practice or how much they DON’T practice it’s all the same in the end. Sounds kind of socialist to me. And before anyone gets the wrong idea about my practice statement, yes I know that only one team will win no matter how diligent all the kids on the other team are about practicing.

I was always on a loosing team in school. We sucked and there was no way that getting a trophy should have been possible. Frankly, I think I’d have been embarrassed to have gotten an award of any kind for the way we played.

I also get concerned about the winners. If they are seeing that actually being better than the other team that day, for that game doesn’t mean much of anything trophy-wise, why should they try too hard? Let’s keep winning winning and loosing loosing (with nods and awards to 2nd and 3rd place) Sources: me .

Well Let's Put m on the Field" I have been drawn into every sport imaginable as a child I started with archery at 10 years old and then played football and basketball. Freshman year of high school I lettered in wrestling and I also played soccer.My bedroom at home was filled with trophies. With all my awards you would have thought I was a happy kid.

I was not because my real love was music. I was a very good classical guitar student but my father told me to choose music or football. I chose football because all my friends played.

The life of a child athlete is good on the service because you automatically have friends that play on the team with you. The teachers are more tolerant because they realize you had a game last night and they didn’t mind if you dose off a little in their class. The biggest problem I had was the more I succeeded in sports the more I became a jerk.

Most of my friends were jerks We just wanted to win championships. I don’t want to say playing competitive sports are bad. They teach children how to work together as a team and it is great exercise but a child should be taught to be a well rounded individual.

Another thing I would like to add is now that I am older I have trouble with my knees every time it rains which comes directly from injuries.At age 18 I threw away every single trophy, every award, certificate and ribbon that I was given and I recieved about 5 a year since I was ten. It felt great! ChainOfThought's Recommendations Number One Dad Wood Picture Frame .

Okay, you just hit a big nerve.................... My husband and I coach two baseball teams. Riley is 8 and plays on an AA level. Ryan is 6 almost 7 and plays on Rookie 7 level.

I was upset this year because our town does NOT do any kind of trophies until you are much older. This VERY much upset me because, first of all, ALL kids (good or bad) deserve to be recognized for a job well done. The problem with today society is we don’t pat these kids on the back anymore.

I mean 6 year old kids being dropped off! Are you kidding me! OFF TRACK ~ sorry.

I personally think that we as parents and coaches should pat these kids on the back, so to say, for a job well done. My husband got a case of old bowling pins and painted them the team color and wrote the team name on them and signed it ~ From Coach Rob. These where game pins.

He would give it to the player of the game (yes, everyone got one by the end of the season). You have no idea the impact this had on the kids and the phone calls and emails I got about how their sons is still talking about getting that pin. I watched kids that where so shy or not good at all come out of their shell.It is wonderful.

Anyways, if you know me, I don’t do anything unless I go all out (I baked a healthy snack for every game)(I got a team flag to hang on the fence, every game)(everyone loved my emails, they where awesome) etc. Now it comes time to close the season and I am beside myself that for all the money we pay for this sport, they can even congratulate them with something, anything.SO ~ Yes, I went out and personally bought two teams trophies, why, because not matter what I wanted these kids to know that they did a great job. I think it is stuff like this that a child will remember and also he will want to play again and again. My thoughts ran faster than my fingers, so I do hope you can understand it.

Chris, I do think I got off track from your question. If I understood it right you think the better teams should get a trophies and not for the not so good teams? That is in my opinion debatable.

I think it depends on their age. Younger players, I think ALL should be shown that we think they did a good job. Much older kids, that really know the game and the rules and understand that someone will win and someone will lose, could be given trophies for the better players.

Right know I am working with a younger group and think we need to phrase these kids! .

1 pure idiocy. These kids are being taught that you don't need to strive, it doesn't matter whether or not you do well, it doesn't matter if you "win". Unfortunately for them, the world isn't like that.It absolutely matters whether you win or lose.

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1 pure idiocy. These kids are being taught that you don't need to strive, it doesn't matter whether or not you do well, it doesn't matter if you "win". Unfortunately for them, the world isn't like that.It absolutely matters whether you win or lose.

Pure idiocy. These kids are being taught that you don't need to strive, it doesn't matter whether or not you do well, it doesn't matter if you "win". Unfortunately for them, the world isn't like that.It absolutely matters whether you win or lose.

" "I am looking for a nickname for a sports team. We are trying to come up with a name that makes us stand out as elite or.

Thinking something where I can input a city...

Bedrest pillow not associated with a sports team.

When I played sports we had some stuff (I think called "tuff skin" that we put on our feet to keep from getting blisters.

I am looking for a nickname for a sports team. We are trying to come up with a name that makes us stand out as elite or.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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