This is amazing! What an excellent start people are off too..... keep in mind that each of these items has M$2 attached to them as well. So, Rob has M$56, @arjo has M$34 and @demanda has M$16 in addition to the possibility of the three prizes!
M$200 for 1st M$100 for 2nd M$50 for 3rd.
Wow, I'm tied for fifth! I thought I'd be further behind than that. Time to buckle down.
Wow. Thanks for the update! Now I see its possible.. I imagine after the first 3 or 4 tasks you get in the groove... 8 isn't all that many for third and 28 for first- I think thats what people needed- just a quick note to show how many are NOT doing tasks and how 'few' tasks get you in the money... I'm going to claim some tasks now- See you in the winners circle!
Whohoo! I doubt that I'll end up in first place, but I sure hope to place in the top 3! When will the contest be over?
Has there / will there be a date set or Will the contest go until all 250 Barnraising tasks are completed? Or something else?
Congrats to those at the top :P Why were so many of the Tasks "Adult Content" though lol :D.
Wow...I am surprised I am number 3 right now! I haven't had much time this week to devote to doing tasks, and I'll be out of town this weekend. =( Hopefully, I'll have more time to spare during Barn Raising 2.0!
I'm going to go do a few tasks right now though. I may tackle some more of those Adult Content ones that everyone's avoiding. Hah!
So robbrown has done more than 25% of the tasks so far! Way to go - he's putting up his side of the barn without much help from any of the rest of us! I'm hoping I'm not fourth place when the final tally comes out!
Top 3 or somewhere in the lower half of the pack would make it easier to take! And with the remaining 150 tasks - is there a schedule on how they are released? Or have most of them been claimed, but just not completed, and will only show up as they either expire (72 hours) or the person that claimed the task releases it back?
I've seen a few that have been relesaed back, so I'm guessing they have all been claimed, just not completed.
I hope this doesn't sound ungrateful (because I think it's a great incentive to participate!). Does anyone else get curious about the choice behind a tip amount (with threads like these)? It would be great if there was an optional box for users/askers to give a comment or an explanation for their tip -- which in turn might be an incentive for the tipper to give a bigger (or smaller) tip?
:)And to respond to the main topic: I'm surprised that there wasn't more people (only 25 so far) who took on the task up till now. For me, it would be interesting to see a white belt (like @Jonbowen234 or @Jeska2481- who has a yellow tip) make his or her way up - maybe it would make a good Mahalo underdog story?
Wow @RobBrown did 28 tasks! I'll have to work harder if I ever want to catch up. Maybe I should skip sleeping...... It's nice to see that there are a so many people who claim and submit taks Nice job people :-) Let's see how long it will take us to complete the other 150 tasks P.S.Will there be new tasks or are these all the tasks?
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.