Using Outlook, is there a way to quickly create a new distribution list FROM a distribution list?

I am included on an email distribution list which comes from my church. I want to create that same distribution list and store it in my Address Book in Outlook (not Outlook Express) is there a quick way to copy all those email addresses to my Address Book? Aside from having to do it one by one?

Asked by? -Cat-? ™ 57 months ago Similar questions: Outlook quickly create distribution list Computers > Software.

Similar questions: Outlook quickly create distribution list.

Drag and Drop FYI - You have to be compatible, meaning from the save version of Outlook for it to work. Outlook 2007 will not work with Outlook 2003. Prior versions will not work with the newer ones.

Click on the distribution list you received inside an email. Drag to My Contacts Your done! Now the Disti list in in your contacts Sources: Own .

Capturing DL members Create a new email and put your distribution list (DL) into the To: box. Click on it to expand the list; you may get a warning at this point about not being able to collapse the list again. Click Ok -- it's only for this email.

Now you have a list of people. Click & drag with your mouse to select them all, right-click and select Copy. Cancel the email.

Now create your new DL and just paste the names in. Easy! Sources: Quick way (my opinion) .

Each one separately... If you are receiving the email with just email addresses in the header, you will most likely have to individually create the contacts, and then generate the list from that. I am surprised that the list included everyone email in the To: or Cc:, instead of as a blind copy. Also, you may want to reconsider whether you should create and use a distribution list from the list you received.

Sending unsolicited email, particularly to a large list of people is fairly close to the definition of 'spamming'. Aside from being bad netiquette, you could also end up having your account suspended by your ISP behavior characteristic of spamming. Ideally, individuals who want to be on your distribution list would request to be there.As the request is received, create the contact, then add that contact to your DL.

1 spoon110, regarding your answer "Drag and Drop":I think I need to clarify. What I see is each individual's email address in the "To" section of an email I recently received from the church. (Usually they send email using a blind cc, but not this time).

I tried to drag, but only the first email address would highlight and so only that address went to Contacts. There are about fifty addresses and I was hoping to be able to just copy them all quickly to list which I can then save as New Distribution List in my Address Book. Hope that made sense.

Thanks for the help .

Spoon110, regarding your answer "Drag and Drop":I think I need to clarify. What I see is each individual's email address in the "To" section of an email I recently received from the church. (Usually they send email using a blind cc, but not this time).

I tried to drag, but only the first email address would highlight and so only that address went to Contacts. There are about fifty addresses and I was hoping to be able to just copy them all quickly to list which I can then save as New Distribution List in my Address Book. Hope that made sense.

Thanks for the help.

2 Sorry I trid to look up other posibilities and tried a few ideas, but no luck you have to save each as a contact and the create a disti list from there, unless there is special software, even business contact manager cannot help. Sorry! Just gonna have to do them one by one.

Sorry I trid to look up other posibilities and tried a few ideas, but no luck you have to save each as a contact and the create a disti list from there, unless there is special software, even business contact manager cannot help. Sorry! Just gonna have to do them one by one.

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I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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