They should burn! Burn them all to heck! :D.
Burn, baby, burn. I like the old school, hard core, fear the undead vampire. No wishy washy stuff.
I think they should burn. As far as I know, and I am a die hard vampire genre fan, there is no vampire mythos prior where sunlight did not negatively effect the vampire. Even with the ancients and most powerful such as Rice’s Lestat and Lumley’s best villains, even Harry, the protagonist, later when he was turned, they all still had an aversion to sunlight though they could withstand it for some time.To me, the idea of glittering in sunlight is just too far removed from the established, be it fantastical or not, physical nature of the creature in question.
They don't need any bedazzling... traditional is definately better!
Vampires should burn or at least crumble to dust. Glittering vampires is just really silly. What next are werewolves going to chase sticks and fetch the newspaper?
Vampires are mythically evil and should burn! Supernatural entities like the Faye should glitter not vampires.
Definitely burn, burn, burn. I completely agree with what you said. They can't be perfect, but what else can you call them if they're going to be prancing around, sucking people dry, and turning into a fairy whenever the sun happens to hit their precious, pale skin?
Vampires burn. Not sparkle. End of story.
The old school way... definitely burn! I am not a fan of the whole 'glitter' business... vampires should burn when sunlight hits them!
I think they should turn into water instead: that way, all their sins will be washed away!
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.