I’m from the age of the old vampires that would die if they went out in the sunlight. They had to stay and sleep in their coffins in the basement during the day and come out at night. All of you are probably too young to remember but I was a big fan of Dark Shadows.
I would watch that show in my young teen years and absolutely drool over the vampires and they weren’t the handsome ones like the vampires in the Twilight Movies, but they were just as luscious. I haven’t seen the Twilight Movies yet, but I intend to. I love reading about vampires and werewolves and I have heard that they are real good.
I plan to read the books first though. I have to admit, just from watching the things I’ve seen, Jacob and Edward are totally gorgeous and I can why the young girls swoon. I just can’t get used to the idea of them walking around in the daylight.Lol.
I personally think Twilight would be less popular if the vampires looked like traditional vampires. Part of the success of the Twilight movies comes from teenage girls believing that Edward and Jacob are so handsome! In the movie theaters the girls can not wait to get first glimpse at Edward and Jacob.
Girls wear Team Jacob or Team Edward T-shirts and I know my daughter even has posters on her wall. Those two are the new heart throbs. If the vampires were more traditional you may lose a big part of the Twilight audience.
Let's be honest, whether we like it or not beauty sells. That is just the way it is. I personally enjoy the Twilight movies.
I can see how they are so exciting for the younger crowd.
I agree with @ cosmopinkice and @ ginamichellesattic on some fans being turned off by the idea of the vampires sparkling in the sunlight, instead of the old myth that they are destroyed by it. But we should also know that it is just a myth, vampires do not exist, and if a writer decides to add or remove one or two things to make his or her story unique and different, I always appreciate it. I actually like the uniqueness of Stephanie Meyer vampire story.
She tried to make the vampires likable in all aspects and got rewarded with success. I can understand that it could begin to get confusing especially when it is told as a story. Imagine someone telling you that Santa Claus was a slim young man with cowboy boots that drops gifts at your door on Christmas and not through the chimney, and even says hee-haw instead of the traditional hoo-hoo-hoo.
I do not think the franchise would be more or less popular if the little detail was changed . thefastertimes.com/vampires/files/2009/1....
I don't necessarily know if it would be more popular, but I think Twilight wouldn't be so much the joke of die hard past vampire fans. Some people don't like the old age vampires. They find them to be creepy and salvages.
Of course, some people like them more. I wasn't happy with the fact that the vampires in the Twilight saga "sparkled". However, I give Stephanie Meyer credit for being different and unique.
I wonder if she made them sparkle so that they would be more likable? Many women have a fascination with vampires. They think vampires are hot.
I believe that if they were more like traditional vampires, some people would be turned off by it. I think the glorification of Edward Cullen and the others is half the appeal to a new audience of vampire lovers verses the past. Its like they are good, yet bad.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.