Voters: Are you more likely to vote "No Best Answer" on questions where money is involved? (You still get points for voting if you do.)?

Yes, if there really isn't any quality answer at all. I think I've only done this once or twice, though. I've let things go to vote unintentionally a few times when I asked a question, didn't feel like I was getting a good answer and didn't decide, and then didn't realize I was going to be away from my computer for several days.

I do notice there seem to be some questions coming long after the question was asked that don't *seem* to have taken a lot of effort. But different people have different capabilities. Some do seem to involve very little effort, I agree.

People that are "gaming" the system already have their comeuppance: They're not going to get selected as "best answer". So they're going to get less money and fewer points. They're going to get more ratings of "unhelpful".

And when they finally (because it will take longer because of fewer Best Answers) get close to Brown Belt, they won't pass the test. I don't think anything more is needed. Rob and his guys can remove their answers if they are spectacularly unhelpful.

If a person is offering a tip and doesn't bother to pick an answer of call it unanswered, I would vote a best answer. If it has to be payed by Mahalo I would rather vote No Best Answer.

If there's only 1 or 2 answers, and they are bad; of course I'll vote no best answer! A really bad answer (or most cut and paste answers) just piss me off...they're worse than no answer at all!

I don't think my opinion on what to pick "no best answer" or a best answer, is changed based on the money that is offered. If someone puts in a quality answer I am going to pick that answer as the best answer. If no one put effort into the answers I will pick 'no best answer' instead... You mention the fact that some people answer old questions with rather shoddy answers and I have seen the same thing.

When I notice these I make a point to click 'no best answer' because the answers are poor not because I think the person is gaming the system (though they likely are).

This isn't an answer, but more just general comment on the topic... If a long-standing member sees a bad trend in a lot of my answers, I wouldn't mind getting a private direct question with some pointers. I'm new to this sort of thing, so I'm learning as I go. Plus at the moment I'm sick, but sick doesn't stop the bills, so I'm chugging along at work and all my little spare-change websites.

I hope that doesn't lead to me doing a half-hearted job at everything, I'm trying, but if someone saw that a lot of my answers were garbage lately I'd want to be made aware of that in private with some constructive criticism. Also, I do try to go back through old questions sometimes and take a stab at the ones with 0 answers. I can at least get the person closer to what they're looking for.

Maybe I could find them a phone number or e-mail address to contact with questions, or I could at least give them whatever little information I CAN find. I don't want them to feel like they've been ignored and then never come back to Mahalo again. If I can't find anything at all, I leave it unanswered... but if I think I can at least be a little helpful, I'll give it a try.

I hope that's not considered to be "gaming the system. " If it is, again, I'd want to know. Anyways, that's just my two cents.

See someone consistently doing a bad job or trying to "game the system"? Take them under your wing and try to guide them along. Maybe a little advice is all they need to become a great answerer like yourself.

I won't mind rating any answer in undecided even If it offers money. Reason is that, If someone has made a deserving contribution than he or she should be awarded for that try. I would see that If answer is better enough to get paid, I would love to get that member his right.

This will help eliminating the practice of not awarding deserving answers on will.

Honestly I pick no best answer when there is no best answer. I don't even pay attention to the value of the question. For the most part I pick no best answer when either none of the answers answer the actual question or none of the answers completely answer the question.

A couple of times recently I have actually answered question I thought quite well and went back and read the question and realized I misread the question along with everyone else. If those come up for vote I'll pick No Best Answer.(Unless somebody comes along later with the correct answer. ) That brings up another question is it poor etiquette to come into a question read everyone answers and pull from all of them rewrite it better?

I think that the folks who answer the questions just to get the tip will be voted as no best answer. I would vote no best answer if I thought the answer was lousy, but otherwise if the answers are good, I don't care if they're gaming the system. It just means they're working harder for the money.

I think the system works this issue out. For the most part, there are a few good answers. You can select the best answer from the few.

Sometimes there's bad questions... or just one bad answer. The only one (and it's bad) answer problem is handled by the "No Best Answer" and it's handled by not be a good long-term solution (ie, you're not going to make much money doing that kind of behavior). When I go through the "Undecided" tab and I see only one answer and it's bad, I won't vote for it.

I'll let it rot on the vine...

Honestly, Darcy, I never look at if there is a tip involved when I'm voting for best answer. My primary criterion is "Did the question get answered? " Then, "Did it get answered completely?" and finally, "Was additional information, either useful or in the form of references/citations that might be of additional use to the asker?

" A half-hearted response probably wouldn't make it through these tests. The good thing is that people gaming the system help Mahalo see where the flaws are in the system.

If I saw nothing but the questions you're talking about, I'd definitely feel no obligation to choose one of the answers. If someone made an effort to give an answer (and it's an accurate answer that answers the question asked), I'll vote for that. But if someone is just going back through unanswered questions, leaving snide remarks and using "" as the source, trying to game the system like that, well that just makes me angry.

They wouldn't like it when I'm angry.

If there is no adequate answer then I vote No Best Answer. I don't think I am much influenced by whether a question is tipped. But certainly it's a double injustice if the integrity of Mahalo is spoiled by bad answers, and Jason has to pay for the privilege!

I've also noticed there are some very poor answers appearing recently, and a few people that perpetrate them repeatedly. I don't know if it is gaming or they just have no clue as to what constitutes an acceptable answer. I wonder if in all the Mahalo spirit of friendliness we aren't too tolerant of poor answers.

I must admit, I've been getting annoyed and commenting on a few of them about their shortcomings.

Technically there has to be a best answer at some point. Thus the definition best.

Yes, if there really isn't any quality answer at all. I think I've only done this once or twice, though. I've let things go to vote unintentionally a few times when I asked a question, didn't feel like I was getting a good answer and didn't decide, and then didn't realize I was going to be away from my computer for several days.

I do notice there seem to be some questions coming long after the question was asked that don't *seem* to have taken a lot of effort. But different people have different capabilities. Some do seem to involve very little effort, I agree.

People that are "gaming" the system already have their comeuppance: They're not going to get selected as "best answer". So they're going to get less money and fewer points. They're going to get more ratings of "unhelpful".

And when they finally (because it will take longer because of fewer Best Answers) get close to Brown Belt, they won't pass the test. I don't think anything more is needed. Rob and his guys can remove their answers if they are spectacularly unhelpful.

Yes, if there really isn't any quality answer at all. I think I've only done this once or twice, though. I've let things go to vote unintentionally a few times when I asked a question, didn't feel like I was getting a good answer and didn't decide, and then didn't realize I was going to be away from my computer for several days.

I do notice there seem to be some questions coming long after the question was asked that don't *seem* to have taken a lot of effort. But different people have different capabilities. Some do seem to involve very little effort, I agree.

They're not going to get selected as "best answer". So they're going to get less money and fewer points. They're going to get more ratings of "unhelpful".

And when they finally (because it will take longer because of fewer Best Answers) get close to Brown Belt, they won't pass the test. I don't think anything more is needed. Rob and his guys can remove their answers if they are spectacularly unhelpful.

You can leave an optional "tip" with Mahalo's virtual currency, Mahalo Dollars. If you are asking a difficult question that might require some research, or if you'd like a wide variety of feedback, a higher tip often leads to more answers to your question. If a person is offering a tip and doesn't bother to pick an answer of call it unanswered, I would vote a best answer.

If it has to be payed by Mahalo I would rather vote No Best Answer. If a person is offering a tip and doesn't bother to pick an answer of call it unanswered, I would vote a best answer. If it has to be payed by Mahalo I would rather vote No Best Answer.

You can leave an optional "tip" with Mahalo's virtual currency, Mahalo Dollars. If you are asking a difficult question that might require some research, or if you'd like a wide variety of feedback, a higher tip often leads to more answers to your question. If there's only 1 or 2 answers, and they are bad; of course I'll vote no best answer!

A really bad answer (or most cut and paste answers) just piss me off...they're worse than no answer at all! If there's only 1 or 2 answers, and they are bad; of course I'll vote no best answer! A really bad answer (or most cut and paste answers) just piss me off...they're worse than no answer at all!

You can leave an optional "tip" with Mahalo's virtual currency, Mahalo Dollars. If you are asking a difficult question that might require some research, or if you'd like a wide variety of feedback, a higher tip often leads to more answers to your question. I don't think my opinion on what to pick "no best answer" or a best answer, is changed based on the money that is offered.

If someone puts in a quality answer I am going to pick that answer as the best answer. If no one put effort into the answers I will pick 'no best answer' instead... You mention the fact that some people answer old questions with rather shoddy answers and I have seen the same thing. I don't think my opinion on what to pick "no best answer" or a best answer, is changed based on the money that is offered.

If someone puts in a quality answer I am going to pick that answer as the best answer. You mention the fact that some people answer old questions with rather shoddy answers and I have seen the same thing. You can leave an optional "tip" with Mahalo's virtual currency, Mahalo Dollars.

If you are asking a difficult question that might require some research, or if you'd like a wide variety of feedback, a higher tip often leads to more answers to your question. This isn't an answer, but more just general comment on the topic... If a long-standing member sees a bad trend in a lot of my answers, I wouldn't mind getting a private direct question with some pointers. I'm new to this sort of thing, so I'm learning as I go.

Plus at the moment I'm sick, but sick doesn't stop the bills, so I'm chugging along at work and all my little spare-change websites. I hope that doesn't lead to me doing a half-hearted job at everything, I'm trying, but if someone saw that a lot of my answers were garbage lately I'd want to be made aware of that in private with some constructive criticism. Also, I do try to go back through old questions sometimes and take a stab at the ones with 0 answers.

I can at least get the person closer to what they're looking for. Maybe I could find them a phone number or e-mail address to contact with questions, or I could at least give them whatever little information I CAN find. I don't want them to feel like they've been ignored and then never come back to Mahalo again.

If I can't find anything at all, I leave it unanswered... but if I think I can at least be a little helpful, I'll give it a try. I hope that's not considered to be "gaming the system." If it is, again, I'd want to know.

Anyways, that's just my two cents. See someone consistently doing a bad job or trying to "game the system"? Take them under your wing and try to guide them along.

Maybe a little advice is all they need to become a great answerer like yourself. If a long-standing member sees a bad trend in a lot of my answers, I wouldn't mind getting a private direct question with some pointers. I'm new to this sort of thing, so I'm learning as I go.

Plus at the moment I'm sick, but sick doesn't stop the bills, so I'm chugging along at work and all my little spare-change websites. I hope that doesn't lead to me doing a half-hearted job at everything, I'm trying, but if someone saw that a lot of my answers were garbage lately I'd want to be made aware of that in private with some constructive criticism. Also, I do try to go back through old questions sometimes and take a stab at the ones with 0 answers.

I can at least get the person closer to what they're looking for. Maybe I could find them a phone number or e-mail address to contact with questions, or I could at least give them whatever little information I CAN find. I don't want them to feel like they've been ignored and then never come back to Mahalo again.

If I can't find anything at all, I leave it unanswered... but if I think I can at least be a little helpful, I'll give it a try. I hope that's not considered to be "gaming the system." If it is, again, I'd want to know.

Anyways, that's just my two cents. See someone consistently doing a bad job or trying to "game the system"? Take them under your wing and try to guide them along.

Maybe a little advice is all they need to become a great answerer like yourself. You can leave an optional "tip" with Mahalo's virtual currency, Mahalo Dollars. If you are asking a difficult question that might require some research, or if you'd like a wide variety of feedback, a higher tip often leads to more answers to your question.

I won't mind rating any answer in undecided even If it offers money. Reason is that, If someone has made a deserving contribution than he or she should be awarded for that try. I would see that If answer is better enough to get paid, I would love to get that member his right.

This will help eliminating the practice of not awarding deserving answers on will. I won't mind rating any answer in undecided even If it offers money. Reason is that, If someone has made a deserving contribution than he or she should be awarded for that try.

I would see that If answer is better enough to get paid, I would love to get that member his right. This will help eliminating the practice of not awarding deserving answers on will. You can leave an optional "tip" with Mahalo's virtual currency, Mahalo Dollars.

If you are asking a difficult question that might require some research, or if you'd like a wide variety of feedback, a higher tip often leads to more answers to your question. Honestly I pick no best answer when there is no best answer. I don't even pay attention to the value of the question.

For the most part I pick no best answer when either none of the answers answer the actual question or none of the answers completely answer the question. A couple of times recently I have actually answered question I thought quite well and went back and read the question and realized I misread the question along with everyone else. If those come up for vote I'll pick No Best Answer.(Unless somebody comes along later with the correct answer.) That brings up another question is it poor etiquette to come into a question read everyone answers and pull from all of them rewrite it better?

Honestly I pick no best answer when there is no best answer. I don't even pay attention to the value of the question. For the most part I pick no best answer when either none of the answers answer the actual question or none of the answers completely answer the question.

A couple of times recently I have actually answered question I thought quite well and went back and read the question and realized I misread the question along with everyone else. That brings up another question is it poor etiquette to come into a question read everyone answers and pull from all of them rewrite it better? You can leave an optional "tip" with Mahalo's virtual currency, Mahalo Dollars.

If you are asking a difficult question that might require some research, or if you'd like a wide variety of feedback, a higher tip often leads to more answers to your question. I think that the folks who answer the questions just to get the tip will be voted as no best answer. I would vote no best answer if I thought the answer was lousy, but otherwise if the answers are good, I don't care if they're gaming the system.

It just means they're working harder for the money. I think that the folks who answer the questions just to get the tip will be voted as no best answer. I would vote no best answer if I thought the answer was lousy, but otherwise if the answers are good, I don't care if they're gaming the system.

It just means they're working harder for the money. You can leave an optional "tip" with Mahalo's virtual currency, Mahalo Dollars. If you are asking a difficult question that might require some research, or if you'd like a wide variety of feedback, a higher tip often leads to more answers to your question.

I think the system works this issue out. For the most part, there are a few good answers. You can select the best answer from the few.

Sometimes there's bad questions... or just one bad answer. The only one (and it's bad) answer problem is handled by the "No Best Answer" and it's handled by not be a good long-term solution (ie, you're not going to make much money doing that kind of behavior). When I go through the "Undecided" tab and I see only one answer and it's bad, I won't vote for it.

I think the system works this issue out. For the most part, there are a few good answers. You can select the best answer from the few.

Sometimes there's bad questions... or just one bad answer. The only one (and it's bad) answer problem is handled by the "No Best Answer" and it's handled by not be a good long-term solution (ie, you're not going to make much money doing that kind of behavior). When I go through the "Undecided" tab and I see only one answer and it's bad, I won't vote for it.

You can leave an optional "tip" with Mahalo's virtual currency, Mahalo Dollars. If you are asking a difficult question that might require some research, or if you'd like a wide variety of feedback, a higher tip often leads to more answers to your question. Honestly, Darcy, I never look at if there is a tip involved when I'm voting for best answer.

Then, "Did it get answered completely?" and finally, "Was additional information, either useful or in the form of references/citations that might be of additional use to the asker?" A half-hearted response probably wouldn't make it through these tests. The good thing is that people gaming the system help Mahalo see where the flaws are in the system.

Honestly, Darcy, I never look at if there is a tip involved when I'm voting for best answer. A half-hearted response probably wouldn't make it through these tests. The good thing is that people gaming the system help Mahalo see where the flaws are in the system.

You can leave an optional "tip" with Mahalo's virtual currency, Mahalo Dollars. If you are asking a difficult question that might require some research, or if you'd like a wide variety of feedback, a higher tip often leads to more answers to your question. If I saw nothing but the questions you're talking about, I'd definitely feel no obligation to choose one of the answers.

If someone made an effort to give an answer (and it's an accurate answer that answers the question asked), I'll vote for that. But if someone is just going back through unanswered questions, leaving snide remarks and using "" as the source, trying to game the system like that, well that just makes me angry. They wouldn't like it when I'm angry.

If I saw nothing but the questions you're talking about, I'd definitely feel no obligation to choose one of the answers. If someone made an effort to give an answer (and it's an accurate answer that answers the question asked), I'll vote for that. But if someone is just going back through unanswered questions, leaving snide remarks and using "" as the source, trying to game the system like that, well that just makes me angry.

They wouldn't like it when I'm angry. You can leave an optional "tip" with Mahalo's virtual currency, Mahalo Dollars. If you are asking a difficult question that might require some research, or if you'd like a wide variety of feedback, a higher tip often leads to more answers to your question.

If there is no adequate answer then I vote No Best Answer. I don't think I am much influenced by whether a question is tipped. But certainly it's a double injustice if the integrity of Mahalo is spoiled by bad answers, and Jason has to pay for the privilege!

I've also noticed there are some very poor answers appearing recently, and a few people that perpetrate them repeatedly. I don't know if it is gaming or they just have no clue as to what constitutes an acceptable answer. I wonder if in all the Mahalo spirit of friendliness we aren't too tolerant of poor answers.

I must admit, I've been getting annoyed and commenting on a few of them about their shortcomings. If there is no adequate answer then I vote No Best Answer. I don't think I am much influenced by whether a question is tipped.

But certainly it's a double injustice if the integrity of Mahalo is spoiled by bad answers, and Jason has to pay for the privilege! I've also noticed there are some very poor answers appearing recently, and a few people that perpetrate them repeatedly. I don't know if it is gaming or they just have no clue as to what constitutes an acceptable answer.

I wonder if in all the Mahalo spirit of friendliness we aren't too tolerant of poor answers. I must admit, I've been getting annoyed and commenting on a few of them about their shortcomings. You can leave an optional "tip" with Mahalo's virtual currency, Mahalo Dollars.

If you are asking a difficult question that might require some research, or if you'd like a wide variety of feedback, a higher tip often leads to more answers to your question. Technically there has to be a best answer at some point. Thus the definition best.

Technically there has to be a best answer at some point. Thus the definition best. You can leave an optional "tip" with Mahalo's virtual currency, Mahalo Dollars.

If you are asking a difficult question that might require some research, or if you'd like a wide variety of feedback, a higher tip often leads to more answers to your question.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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