Polaroid camera: 109 film, 101 digital, 1,424 accessories from $1.96 @ amazon. Com see selected model photos & info of a few interesting ones below: POLAROID SL60 35MM DISPOSABLE CAMERA WITH FLASH $1.96 amazon.com/POLAROID-SL60-DISPOSABLE-CAME...
Curvacious, sleek, yet durable, it has all the looks a person can want. Visually, the I-Zone's top portion (looking at it from top down) leaves a bit to be desired because it looks a bit "cheap" but heck, for the price who has the right to complain? Personally, I think the chrome silver finish looks great.
Much better than the kiddy red, lime green, and what not that's available in other stores. As for the quality, it can go both ways here but for the most part, its pretty nice. The stickers that are produced are a bit on the small size and can be placed just about anywhere... the film isn't too sticky so you can just tear it off without the risk of any of that sticky gunk being leftover on the surface of whatever you pasted it onto.
Sticks great to notebook paper and envelopes. The only REAL nagging problem that I could unearth is the fact that, like others have said, the FLASH button is a bit on the loose side and turns out draining all your battery. There's a simple workaround which is to remove the battery and keep it in your pocket.
When you want to use the flash again, just pop the battery back in. This reduces the risk of unnecessary battery drainage. What can I say?
This camera has the quality, the looks, and quite bluntly - the I-zone delivers. " http://www.amazon.com/Polaroid-i-Zone-Pocket-Instant-Camera/dp/B00004RF9N/
The camera has built in flash and 3 flash options. You slide a bar on top by a picture of a house, sun, or cloud depending on where the picture will be taken. After you snap the picture, the camera automatically cuts off.
The bottom of the camera opens up which is where you put the small box of film. The pictures then pull out to the side. Ok now for the fun part.
The pictures are small but they turn out very clear. When you pull the picture out it looks like an armband. You cut the ends off and peel the back off and your sticker(or picture) is ready.
We have taken the camera to school parties, taken pictures of the kids and then given them to them. It's a big hit and everybody wants one. You can also match up the two ends, tape or staple them together and you have a very cute bracelet.
This camera is perfect when you need a quick picture for your scrapbook or a card. One of our local doctors even takes pictures of his patients with it for their file." http://www.amazon.com/Polaroid-Convertible-Instant-Changeable-Faceplates/dp/B00005AKPB/
It combines the best of both worlds...a fun instant polaroid and a digital camera all in one! I started taking pictures the second I took it out of the box and haven't stopped for the past three weeks. The polaroids are fun and if you ever want a bigger picture all you have to do is scan it and print it out on photo paper...the quality of the instant prints is EXCELLENT!
The pictures are clear, sharp and full of vibrant color! " amazon.com/POLAROID-SL60-DISPOSABLE-CAME...1
) Detail: "World's only 35mm camera with a built-in fisheye lens Offers a sweeping 170-degree view Built-in electronic flash for use day or night Massive field of view" http://www.amazon.com/Lomography-940-Fisheye-35mm-Camera/dp/B0007ZGXO0/
It provides very nice resolution and picture reproduction. Remember this is a camera priced under $100 so it doesn't have the features of the $500 plus cameras.It is very easy to down load the pictures with the USB cable that comes with the camera. You need to upgrade the memory card if you want the video capability of the camera.
A great value for the price" http://www.amazon.com/Polaroid-PDC-5070BD-5-0-Digital-Camera/dp/B000B6269Q/
Polaroid - ONE STEP EXPRESS Price: $39.99 tristatecamera.com/lookat.php?refid=279&....
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.