We are in a major economic recession. Should the president push health care or jobs & economic recovery?

We are in a major economic recession. Should the president push health care or jobs & economic recovery? Asked by Directmale 24 months ago Similar questions: major economic recession president push health care jobs recovery Business.

Similar questions: major economic recession president push health care jobs recovery.

I think he should push for economic recovery, first and then for health care for those who don't have any. However, in the past, our economy was good/or great, yet, we never cared about health care for those americans who either don't have any or lost it. We didn't care and still don't care about homeless familes and kids.

Perhaps, a tightening of the belt might teach us compassion understanding and empathy, since a lot of us may be going into the same boat.

That is what the people want, and is the very first thing on every ones list. This single item would raise the economy and bring more money into the Government by Taxes. The latest Job report shows that we lost 85000 more jobs in December, keeping the job rate at 10%, and that doesn't count the people that have now run out of benefits and are no longer counted, bringing the job rate up to 17% or higher.

But Congress is to busy to help the people that put them in office. Instead of Congress trying to do what the people of this Country is begging them to do and that is to get jobs, they have been working now for a full year on a Health Care Plan for all Americans that the majority of people don't want. They want a plan that fixes what is now wrong with it, not revamp it, and have to fix that later.

They have completed ignored what the people want, and what they voted them into office to do. Obama wants a legacy and that is Health Care for all, even if it is way down on what the people want. They also want to pass it real soon, before election time in November, hoping the American people for get that they ignored there wishes and put jobs on the back burner.

1 I'm sure many will say 'we can talk and chew gum at the same time'. Unfortunately we are beginning to run the well dry and for purely economic reasons we will have to make some choices. If it's not too late.

I find it interesting that the loudest cries are that millions of Americans are without health care. Surprisingly millions of Americans are also without jobs. And if those people had jobs, most would also have health care.

Maybe there's a connection. Naw, if there was all those geniuses in Washington wouldn't be going the way they are. They must know something we don't.

I'm sure many will say 'we can talk and chew gum at the same time'. Unfortunately we are beginning to run the well dry and for purely economic reasons we will have to make some choices. If it's not too late.

I find it interesting that the loudest cries are that millions of Americans are without health care. Surprisingly millions of Americans are also without jobs. And if those people had jobs, most would also have health care.

Maybe there's a connection. Naw, if there was all those geniuses in Washington wouldn't be going the way they are. They must know something we don't.

3 I have a job... It's almost making enough money for me to pay for my wife's healthcare. Guess what my vote is...

I have a job... It's almost making enough money for me to pay for my wife's healthcare. Guess what my vote is...

College degree, out of work, no jobs to be found: create your own business. Is this the way out of the recession? " "Has President Obama failed to rein in the Health Care industry?" "Looking for health care jobs in healthonclick?

" "How can these statements be reconciled? Both are made by President Obama about Health Care" "President Obama - does he have a national health care system on the agenda?" "Do you think the President's Health Care plans will actually happen or go down the tubes like other attempts at trying" "Does the American Health Care System need major reform.

College degree, out of work, no jobs to be found: create your own business. Is this the way out of the recession?

Both are made by President Obama about Health Care.

Do you think the President's Health Care plans will actually happen or go down the tubes like other attempts at trying.

Does the American Health Care System need major reform.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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