We made it extremely clear what our secured debt consisted of and he took our money and filed the BK then referred us to another attorney who wanted more money to refile can we get our money back and?

I presume your changing your Q a bit and asking using a different screen name than before. I appreciate that this time at least you only did it once as you frequently (with your "illegal repo" accusations, not knowing the meaning of theft, etc. ), seem to ask the same Q several times in a row.(It doesn't make anything clearer). I guess your hoping for an answer you like You've certainly had a lot of problems with others....wonder why?

You signed an agreement with the attorney, where what his obligations were, etc. Were spelled out. READ IT. Did he perform what was agreed there for the fee charged there?

Was he responsible for actions of the court or what you hoped (thought) the outcome would be? If you can see where he didn't do what the contract says he would...send him a letter identifying the failure, demanding he correct it or refund accordingly. (I seriously, seriously doubt that your going to find he didn't do waht was agreed) The contract will be fairly clear.

What you say generally isn't. If the contract you agreed to isn't for what you thought you were buying, and you agreed to it anyway...well what do you think the answer should be for your error? By the way, the debt on what you owed and haven't paid on the agreements made (that I'll bet it was "extremely clear" what you promised to do...and even what may happen if you didn't do as you were extremely clear in promising to do for what the lender actually did), and with others has grown by more than the attorney fee (where your trying to find a way to weasel out of what you were extremely clear in promising, in the time you've been asking this question.

I wonder if you see how strange it is that your whining over somebody doing something for you at a reasonable fee, (1700 or so for BK rep is pretty reasonable...if it's for a big case, it's a very, very small fee), and as your not satisfied, you want your money back.... whereas...apparently, you have not a care in the world for all those you took much, much more from, repeatedly, and clearly promised you would pay back specific ways and times, and haven't Gee I hope that's all extremely clear and you'' obey by the commands...but if not...why not just pay your bills and do what you agree and you won't hafe to worry about others understanding your demands?

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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