These are some delicious no bake dessert recipes: 1). Easy, Creamy Fruit Dip You will need: 1 jar marshmallow cream 8 ounces softened cream of cheese fruit slices of strawberries, melons and cantaloupe How to prepare it: 1. Put in a medium bowl the marshmallow cream and cream cheese and mix them thoroughly.2.
Get your favorite fruit and dip it into the mixture. 2) Easy Lemonade Pie You will need: 1 graham cracker pie crust 1 can (14 oz. ) of sweetened condensed milk 1 can (6 0z.) frozen lemonade concentrate and thawed 1 container of Cool Whip (8 oz.
) thawed How to prepare: Put the condensed milk and lemonade in a medium-size container. Fold it in Cool whip. After this, pour into pie crust and freeze for 3-4 hours until it becomes firm.
Then serve.3) Frozen Apple Sauce and Fruit Cup You will need: 1 cup Regular Apple Sauce A package of frozen strawberries (10 oz. ), thawed 1 can mandarin orange segments (11 oz.), drained 1 cup grapes (optional) 2 tbsp orange juice (concentrate) How to prepare: Get a medium bowl and combine all the ingredients. Get a spoon and put the fruit mixture into individual dishes or paper cups.
Freeze for 30 minutes until it becomes firm.Serve.
The best no bake recipe I know would be the no bake cookies. They are like a little piece of heaven in my opinion! They are very good and very easy to make!
The only cooking required is, on a pot on the stove only to melt things down! Things you will need: Sugar CoCo dry oatmeal butter There are really no measurements when it comes to my version of these no bakes. You simply mix everything together equally and to taste!
It is really hard to mess them up, lol! Another awesome thing to do with these, is actually put them in the freezer for about 30 minutes, gives them a nice texture! I hope this helps you and you try them, they are my favorite!
Here is a wonderful recipe which is very simple to make and an all time favorite among all,particularly the kids and ice cream lovers. A great party treat. Falooda: ----------- This a combination of ice-cream,fruits and different flavours of jellycombined so as to serve as a delicious treat not for the tongue alone ,but for the eyes as well.
Ingredients: -------------- 1 packet of red jelly 1 packet of yellow jelly 1 packet of green jelly 2 cups of ice-cream 1/2 cup of whipped cream 4 tbsp chopped chocolate strands 1 cup of diced fresh fruits 4 cherries glaced. Method: ----------- Make each jelly,as indicated on packet,in a different dish,and allow it to set. When set,dice into small pieces.In a tall glass,first put in a scoop of diced fruits.
Then alternate with ice-cream and a scoop of each jelly,finishing with a scoop of ice-cream. Whisk the cream until stiff and pipe over ice-cream. Sprinkle with chocolate strands and crown with a cherry.
I have enjoyed a lot of great no bake dessert recipes, but I would just give you a few to start your day. *Peach and Cream Pie Ingredients: • 8oz package cream cheese, softened • 2 graham cracker pie crusts • 14 oz sweetened condensed milk • 1/3 cup lemon juice • 9 oz frozen whipped topping(thawed) • 1/2 cup pecans( chopped) • 1 cup peaches(sliced and drained) Preparation: *Add cream cheese, milk, lemon juice and mix together until smooth. *Add the whipped topping, and fold it into the mixture.
* Add in the chopped peaches and pecans *Then Pour this mixture into the cracker pie crusts and put in the refrigerator for two hours. *No Bake Cookies Ingredients: • 2 cups granulated sugar • ½ cup evaporated milk • 2 tablespoons cocoa • 3 tablespoons peanut butter • ½ cup pecans (chopped) • 4 oz. Butter • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract • 2 ½ cups quick-cooking oats Preparation: *Combine sugar, milk, cocoa, and butter in a microwave plate and put in the microwave for 3 minutes.
*Remove from the microwave and add vanilla, chopped nuts and peanut butter. *Add the oatmeal and stir thoroughly. *Take in teaspoonfuls and drop onto waxed paper.
*Serve and enjoy
I LOVE these Easy Chocolate éclair squares 1 3/4 cups cold milk 1 pkg. (4 servings each size) JELL-O Vanilla Flavor Instant Pudding 1 Tub (8 oz) COOL WHIP Whipped Topping, thawed 22 HONEY MAID Honey Grahams 3 Tbsp. Butter or margarine 2 squares BAKER'S Unsweetened Chocolate 2 Tbsp.
Cold milk 1 cup sifted powdered sugar POUR 1 3/4 cups milk into large bowl. Add dry pudding mix. Beat with wire whisk 2 minutes.
Gently stir in whipped topping. Layer one-third of grahams and half of the whipped topping mixture in 13 by 9-inch baking pan, breaking grahams as necessary to fit; repeat layers. Top with remaining grahams.
PLACE butter, chocolate and 2 Tbsp. Milk in small saucepan; cook on low heat until chocolate is completely melted and mixture is blended. Gradually add sugar, stirring until well blended.
Spread over grahams. REFRIGERATE several hours or overnight. Store any leftover dessert in refrigerator.
Some delicious no bake dessert recipes are (without quotes):.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.