This heat rash is also known as prickly heat and occurs when the body is unable to cool down enough and sweat is trapped in tiny particles at the surface of the skin. It occurs most frequently in hot, humid climates. The resulting rash is very itchy and uncomfortable and can become infected.
There are a few things she could try to help relieve it. Several times a day gently wash the affected area with a non soap cleansing bar such as Dove. Dry the area carefully.
Wrap an ice pack in a towel and apply to the area for a few minutes. Apply calamine lotion several times a day. Mix baking soda with water and apply to the area.
Apply the gel from a cut leaf of an Aloe Vera plant . Retreat to an air conditioned area if at all possible. If the lady doesn't have air conditioning at home, it's worth taking a trip to the nearest supermarket or other shop that does, just to cool down for a while.
One of the most effective ways of stopping the itching and to aid healing, is to apply hydrocortisone cream which is available from pharmacies, though I don't know whether you would strictly class it as "natural". Personally, I would choose the cream over anything else because if the rash lingers and becomes infected it will need stronger medication to clear it.
There are several things one can do to get rid of and avoid heat rash. First, if you see heat rash developing, go somewhere cool, preferably in air conditioning. Don't touch the heat rash, that just irritates it further.
Take a cool bath or shower with a little baking soda and some non-deodorizing soap to keep the pores open. Also, make sure to wear breathable clothing, preferably cotton and not polyester. To treat naturally, you can use aloe vera.
Break off the end of a spike and squeeze the aloe and rub over the affected area. The aloe begins to work almost immedietly. The oils from lavender and pepperment are also soothing.
You can apply directly to the skin or add to the bath water to soothe the rash. Jewelweed also works and can be found in areas near lakes, ponds and streams.
Shea butter relieves and fades skin rashes and dry itchy skin.
These are some natural home remedies that you can share with your neighbor @iklilian. 1. One excellent home remedies for heat rash is using baking soda and oatmeal powder.
Just add a couple of tablespoons of baking soda or sprinkling of oatmeal powder to cool bath. This will help ease the itching of heat rash. Just pat the skin dry and avoid rubbing it so that the rashes will not be irritated.2.
Aloe Vera is also an excellent remedy for heat rash. Just apply the gel from the plant to the affected area as often as needed to help in healing as well as soothes the rash.3. Another natural remedy are cucumbers.
They are great and soothes the heat rash. You can place sliced cucumbers to the affected area to relieve itching and discomfort. 4.
Chamomile tea also helps soothes heat rash by simply applying cooled tea bags to the affected area.5. Calamine lotion or cortisone cream can also be used to ease the itch caused by heat rash. 6.
Take Vitamin C to help ease the discomfort.
Heat rash is also known as Prickly heat One of the best natural home remedies for heat rash is Boudreaux's Butt Paste. It is sold as a diaper rash ointment, but my wife has recommended it to her friends for many other skin rashes and it has been very beneficial in clearing up these rashes. It has all natural ingredients.
Another excellent all natural cure for heat rash is, corn starch. You can soak in a bath with a couple of tablespoons of it, making sure that you mix it up well in the bath water. To further assist in relief of the rash, you can also use corn starch after you dry off completely from the bath and your skin has cooled down.
You can use these two options individually to relieve the symptoms, but I would suggest if the rash is severe that you use at least two of the three options listed.
These are the best home remedies for heat rash- • Aloe • Stay Away from Creams and Ointments • Lightweight Clothing • Calamine Lotion • Put Away the Towel • Cold Shower or Bath • Turn the Air Conditioner On • Ice pack • Powdered bath • Dusting • Air-dry.
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