There are many benefits of having an account at facebook. For me it helps me to be connected with friends and create new ones as well. It also helps me keep in touch with my elder brother and his family who immigrated in Canada 5 years ago.
Through this social networking site we were able to get updated with each other and it is easy to see recent photos that they have uploaded. Although, I don't play often but sometimes, I find some games at facebook a great way to unwind and help pass the time. These games are even addicting to some but it just self discipline and control.
If you know how to control and manage your time in using facebook, I think you will get the best benefit out of it. And there are some privacy setting that you can set for your preference on who can see your photos and activities. For me, in spite of some cons of it I still find this site helpful.My friends and I are even planning on building a profile for us to advertise our organization and services that we offer because this site is a great way to advertise due to its numerous members.
For me, I don't mind the cons of using it because as long as I use the privacy settings well I know I can protect my privacy and take advantage of its different apps at the same time.
I think there are more pros than cons to having a Facebook account when used properly. I use Facebook to interact with friends and find old friends from high school and college. It's also a way for me to keep in touch with former students I have worked with in my private tutoring business.
For fun, I play games, which is relaxing and another positive thing about the website. As for cons, as long as one is careful as to what they post, everything should be fine with any potential employer. My rule of thumb is not to post anything that you would be embarrassed to have anyone see and that doesn't include just friends.
If one uses some common sense and a bit of morality then I feel having the account will certainly never be a liability.
What I basically have used Facebook for is to keep track with the people I really know. On something like twitter, I only have about 1 family member on there. Most people on my Twitter are friends and associates I have made through the internet, companies and sites I love, etc.I basically use Facebook for what it was intended for in its early years- connecting with people you knew in school.
I would say that a good percentage of my facebook friends are from high school or college. Since people use their real names on Facebook, it's pretty easy to find these people you've been distant from for a while.It's kind of like what I wish Classmates. Com would be.
I know that people like Leo Laporte were bugged by the privacy issues, but I don't feel like I share so much information online that I would be uncomfortable with people learning about me on facebook.
If you use it for social networking and do not mark every page as private it can certainly be a liability. What perspective employer will be impressed by how you look drunk etc.? However, if you mark everything private, it can be fun to have a face book page to connect with your friends. Using it for business purposes can be hit or miss.
If you are in real estate or something like that you can use your page to make announcements - but your friends might find it annoying.
I'd say that depends how you are using your facebook. In general if you don't want the world to know about, you shouldn't post it on facebook. The disadvantage you list could be eliminated simply by not posting or behaving in a way that would reflect you in a negative light to employers.
Or, you could keep your facebook private and not allow none friends to view, if an employer requests an add simply do a "employer friendly" clean up and delete anything you think may affect your job or chances at a job. Then I see no disadvantages, and the network possibilities are clearly the advantage. In my opinion the benefit can outweigh the cons but just like with everything else in life it's all in how you use it.
I think it all depends on what you want Facebook to be for you. It also depends on what you want to post on Facebook and who you want to share it with. You have to be careful if you do have a Facebook account and you also have a job or are looking for a job.
I personally don’t think it is any employers business with what you do in your free time, however, if a person posts drunken pictures of themselves or photos of them half-naked, and then they don’t really deserve a job anyway. If you want to have a Facebook account so that you can find old friends and relatives that you’ve lost connection with, you can do that. You just have to be careful what you post and adjust your privacy settings so that you determine who sees your personal information and daily posts.
Some of the benefits are quite wondrous and magnificent indeed! Adamu also offers us an exercise that we can use to see if unity consciousness is right for us.In the following videos he will discuss HOW we can begin to attain unity consciousness...some of the benefits of having a face book account and the pros are (without quotes):.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.