I found Santa Fe, New Mexico made for a beautiful Winter Vacation. There is a combination of: Indian ruins, Beautiful hikes Sometimes snow Amazing, distinctive food Great culture A nice plaza and an emphasis on Christmas, with luminaries and a walk through town (apple cider is served) I strongly suggest Santa Fe, New Mexico. I have been there several times during that part of year, and it really is a great place to go to for Christmas!
Florida would be my choice since most of the "winter" season still presents some pretty nice weather that makes it easy to get from place to place and even makes it possible to stand comfortably in line! There are so many varied attractions contained in one state that you could explore the state for weeks and not see them all. There's everything from the oldest city (St.Augustine) to the southern tip and Key West.In between there is such a variety of things to do that range from the NASA Space Center to Disney World and its other theme parks to Busch Gardens to Sea World to the Bok Tower (with its singing bells) to the Ringling Museum and Mansion and, of course, all the beach and water sports that can be enjoyed.
That just scratches the surface!
Some of my best Christmas mornings have been in the warm waters of Hawaii. Check out some of the great winter vacations on the islands: Hawaii Travel.
Honestly, I would suggest a summer destination even for a winner vacation. 7th Springs is open to the public in the winter as well. It's rather interesting actually.
They create their own snow. So, one wouldn't have to worry about the snow melting or causing rough jagged ends that occurs on snow that isn't freshly- altered. Well, In 7th Springs the snow is freshly altered for ones' completely everlasting enjoyment!7th Springs is the vacation spot for people who simply enjoy winter!
Hope your one of them!
The beach cities in Southern California...yes, its not as warm as Hawaii, but the temps are usually warmer than the rest of the country and if you plan your trip before late January, you usually have wonderful weather (upper 60s to low 70s). Typically winter is the off season in Southern California -- so hotels offer great rates, the beaches and amusement parks are a lot less crowded than in summer. So if you're craving some beach time -- but don't want to pay Hawaii prices...Southern California is where it's at!
Winter is my favorite season, so I wouldn't take a vacation during the winter to avoid it - I'd take a vacation to get the most out of it! I'm considering taking a drive up to Arkansas in the next month or so, since I live in Louisiana and I haven't been there before. It looks beautiful (to me, anyway):
Not get away from winter vacation! In my opinion, if you can afford it the number one "Winter Vacation" is Whistler, British Columbia, Canada. A stay at the Chateau Whistler is a decadent treat and the winter activities will keep your plate full from morning to bed.
Outside of the Alp's there are not many places that can match the skiing in Whistler BC. For Americans, with the favorable exchange rate on the US/Canadian dollar it becomes a little more affordable. Second choice would be Colorado and third Toronto Ontario Canada (Toronto Vacation).
Would love to go to Le Massif Canada and enjoy a ski vacation. Atop this mountain - in fact the highest vertical drop East of the Canadian Rockies, skiers and snowboarders can contemplate vast and unending scenery.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.