The Best in the U.S. Yosemite, California (the photo) Acadia Park, Maine Assateague National Seashore, MD - I really like this place! Crater Lake Nat. Park, Oregon Glacier Nat.
Park, MT Grand Teton Nat. Park, WY.
Although you don’t actually specify where you are located or where you’d like to visit, here are some excellent camping destinations in Great Britain, Canada and the United States. The United Kingdom has some wonderful camping destinations for tent camping, caravanning and RVing. A personal favorite is the Lake District in Cumbria which is one of England’s oldest national parks:
The park was described as the romantic poet William Wordsworth as, "a sort of national property, in which every man has a right and an interest who has an eye to perceive and a heart to enjoy."
The Lake District is, without question, one of the most beautiful locations in England and there of plenty of campgrounds to choose from: Another wonderful camping destination is the 680 square mile Yorkshire Dales National Park which was immortalized by veterinarian turned author James Herriot (who lived in Thirsk). Check out the campgrounds:
Canada is another spectacular international camping destination. A popular choice is Vancouver Island in British Columbia which provides some wonderful sightseeing opportunities and awesome whale watching tours:
You can find a campground via: In the United States you have a choice of 394 National Parks and hundreds of State Parks to choose from.
Zion Canyon National Park ( in Utah is awesome and features a taxing sixteen mile one day, or overnight, canyoneering adventure through the 35 foot wide Zion Narrows:
One of the best State Parks to offer camping is Dead Horse Point (
0 in Utah’s Canyonlands. Look at this great view of the Colorado River 2,000 feet below your campground!
1 Another great camping location has to be Arizona’s Kartchner Caverns State Park (, a dazzling geological gem set beneath the Whetstone Mountains in southeast Arizona:
Smaller County campgrounds are also popular.
Lake Cachuma in California's Santa Ynez Valley (between Santa Barbara and Solvang) is a beautiful spot:
Another Santa Barbara County Park - with a great campground - is Jalama Beach:
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.