This is a step to step method on how to tether your iPhone for free. *First you would have to set up an ad hoc Wi-Fi network on your PC or Mac. You do not really require a network name and a password for this.
*Next, click on the Settings menu on your iPhone and select the Wi-Fi menu and Connect to your newly created Wi-Fi network *Now tap on the blue arrow that you would find at the right of the new Wi-Fi network, click on ‘’Static’’ in the IP Address menu and type in the following IP address: *When that is done, type in the numbers, into the Subnet Mask field. *Next, exit the Settings menu and make sure that the settings are saved.
*Now return to your PC or Mac and switch the network settings to make use of the ‘’SOCKS’’ Proxy and type in for the Socks Proxy Server address and the number 1337 for the port. Apply and save your new settings. *Return to your iPhone and select the ‘’Handy Light app’’, tap on the flashlight colors that you would find at the bottom in the sequence: blue, yellow, and red.
Tap on the top right corner of the screen and the color would change to purple. At this point, your iPhone can now share its internet connection with your PC or MAC. *Don`t close the application, Leave it open and return to your computer and begin browsing.
I found an online guide that you can follow to tether your iPhone for free: 1. Download a free app called iPhoneModem at 2.
Once your iPhone is jailbroken, open up Cydia and install the package named iPhone Modem zsrelay. Install OpenSSH, this is another app. You can check if OpenSSH is running through another app called BossPrefs.3.
Next step is to install iPhoneoOdem helper app and run it by going to "settings" under the little iPhone icon that appeared in the status bar. 4. There will be fields that you have to fill in these are: --quote--- IP-Address of Mac: Leave the default value ( Password of Mac: Your admin password WLAN Name: The name of the ad-hoc network that will be created – your choice WLAN Password: It must be 13 characters-your choice as long as it’s 13 SOCKS Port: Leave default (9999) iPhone root Password: alpine (as long as you’re running 2.
X firmware) iPhone Mac Address: Found under Settings – General – Abou. ---end of quote---- 5. After saving your configuration, click to "start connection" and follow the instructions.
Your laptop will create an ad-hoc network which will then join with your iPhone. After you're done, you can now tether your iPhone 3G connection to your laptop.
IPhone tethering in various methods have been posted in the internet with varying degree of success. For me, I would like to share this method on iPhone tethering without jailbreaking it, and my source is This tethering method I found has a difficulty level of medium.
Among the requirements before proceeding with this process are Mac OS X 10.5 or later, iPhon OS 3.0(7A341), 1st prelease version of iTunes 8.2 and final release version of iTunes 8.2. Please be advised that you should read first, the terms of service prior to embarking on tethering, to make sure that you are not violating any contract with the telecommunications company that carries the iPhone brand. For a detailed iPhone tethering walk through, I suggest you visit the link below: http://reviews. URL1/8301-19512_7-10265889-233.html.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.