What are the best alternatives to engaging in the act of cutting, for one who is seriously trying to stop?

There are several important things needed in order to successfully stop cutting yourself. One is to make sure that your family and friends are tehre to support you no matter what, to help keep you on the right path. Another is maybe checking yourself in to a mental hospital to learn some better tools and ideas on what to do when you actually feel like you want to start cutting yourself.

There are amny methods you can use that work on different people. Everyone is different and they would help you figure out what is the best way for you! Because a history of abuse or incest may be at the core of an individual’s self-injuring behavior, post-traumatic stress therapies may be helpful.

Family therapy may be useful, both in addressing any history of family stress related to the behavior, and also in helping family members learn to communicate more directly and non-judgmentally with each other.

When I was in my teenage years I also was a cutter. I would go to school with both my arms cut from wrist to shoulder everyday. I did it mainly out of boredom.

I also did it cause it hurt and at the time I liked the pain. People do it to feel the pain I think personally. It is a small rush when you see the blood and feel the pain and after awhile it becomes like any other addiction and you cant stop.

The way I was able to stop was I had a good girlfriend at the time and she cared deeply for me. The feelings I had for her and she for me was enough to over ride the pain I was feeling and I stopped cutting. So I think my advice to others is look for your friends to help.

Friends, family, boyfriends/girlfriends whoever you can. Your not alone no matter alone you think you are. Your only a few feet away from a neighbor, a family member a teacher or a phone call away from a friend.

There are several important things needed in order to successfully stop cutting yourself. One is to make sure that your family and friends are tehre to support you no matter what, to help keep you on the right path. Another is maybe checking yourself in to a mental hospital to learn some better tools and ideas on what to do when you actually feel like you want to start cutting yourself.

There are amny methods you can use that work on different people. Everyone is different and they would help you figure out what is the best way for you! Because a history of abuse or incest may be at the core of an individual’s self-injuring behavior, post-traumatic stress therapies may be helpful.

Family therapy may be useful, both in addressing any history of family stress related to the behavior, and also in helping family members learn to communicate more directly and non-judgmentally with each other.

Finding an alternative activity that matters to you seems to help more than putting all your energy into stopping something. I have found this to be true of all addictive behaviors. That is why so many people relapse after being in rehab, because they failed to replace the bad behavior with anything.

Even replacing a bad behavior with another bad behavior, such as a sugar addiction in lieu of alcohol, is more useful than leaving a vacuum. Replacing cutting with a joyous activity though, is a better long term solution. For example if sports or acting or gardening became very important to the cutter they might be loathe to hurt themselves.

I think it is best for you to find a new source to funnel the aggressive action into. For me, when I was depressed I would play an instrument. For them it may be video games, art, music, running, or any other activity.

The best thing is to promote healthy activities in the place of the negative, especially since exercise can alleviate the stress.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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