These are some features that make the Verizon Droid by Motorola stand out amongst other phones: *With the Verizon droid, you can conduct Google searches just by speaking to the phone. No need for tapping and clicking. * Verizon's Droid makes it possible for you to run more than five applications and toggle between them with the on-screen menu.
*The Verizon Droid by Motorola has a nice looking high-resolution screen. It is 3.7-inch, 854-by-480 pixel and offers significantly more viewing than other phones of its kind. * Verizon's Droid is the first to feature the Google turn-by-turn GPS navigation system for Android 2.0 *The Verizon Droid has the thinnest QWERTY-sliding keyboard right now and the phone does not weigh so much.
This is a review by cnet. Com that you may find interesting: ---Quote--- The good: The Motorola Droid boasts a gorgeous display and the benefits of Android 2.0, including a faster Web browser, Google Maps Navigation app, and better messaging and contact management. It also offers excellent call quality, long talk time, and improved speed over previous Android devices.
The bad: The QWERTY keyboard feels flat and the dial pad control is restricted to the home screen. Music and video capabilities still trail behind the competition. Dual-mode functionality for world-roaming capabilities would have been a nice addition.
The Droid does not support Bluetooth voice dialing. The bottom line: Despite some design issues and a couple of missing features, the Motorola Droid is the most powerful and fastest Google Android device to date. It fully embraces the openness of the Android platform and offers Verizon customers a Smartphone that certainly rivals the other touch-screen devices on the market.
---End quote---
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