It's my understanding that the applications for the most popular comic books are free. However, you have to buy the editions of the comics for a fee. This does cut down on the cost of the comic, but I guess you no longer get to collect them when you use the iPad app to read the comic book.
Marvel Comics iPad App is said to be the most download and popular application. That's no surprise. Archie Comics App on the iPad is another one that is great.It actually comes with a few free, which can help get you started.
I know I like the Archie comics better, that might be because I am a woman. Some of the others include: iVerse iPad App IDW Comics App on the iPad Comics by Comixology Seems like these are the free applications to read the comics. Then the comics are available to buy for 99 cents to 1.99 each.
I found a few good free comic book apps for the iPad. With Stanza, the comics are stacked next to books in the library. A great feature is that you can created categories for them.
Page turning is good and there are options for different syles of page turn. One is a straight slide between pages an another is traditional page turn animation. If you want to dim the display simply slide finger down the display.
Stanza is simple, but free and efficient. CloudReaders is an app that was originally designed to read PDF's, but can be used for comic books as well. A list of files is shown when opening the app, which shows how much of each you have read.
There are some nice features here such as the pinch-to-zoom an tap-to-zoom. Page turning is excellent and to adjust screen brightness simply use the popover slider. You can also use CloudReader for presentations by hooking up to an external monitor.
ACReader is very basic and might not be the best for series comic book readers. But it is free and has some nice features. It has a thumbnail view of the pages in what you are currently reading.
Tapping the screen will bring the row up on that bottom of the screen and then you can swipe and tap the display to scroll through the images. One drawback is the absense of double-tap-to zoom or swipe-to-turn pages.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.