The most unfortunate thing about the Toshiba Folio 100 is the lack of access to Google’s Android market, even though the device runs on the Android operating system. In its place, Toshiba launched the Toshiba Market Place which allows users to download apps and games for their device. However, this pales in comparison to the Android Market as it only has 1800 apps so far.
Some of the more popular games on the Toshiba Market Place are Angry Birds, Raging Thunder and Klondike Solitaire. Bear in mind though, that these are the beta version. Even then, installing these games on the Toshiba seems to be a huge problem for many users.
Given the lack of games available for the Toshiba Folio 100, the iPad seems to be far superior when it comes to its offering. All apps on the iTunes store available for download on the iPhone can also be played on the iPad, which gives a user access to more than 50,000 games on the iPad, including Angry Birds and Raging Thunder (full version). Sources:
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