The iPad 3G is the iPad with the GPS. There are some good navigational apps on it and many are iPhone apps which can be run on the iPad. Even though the iPad is bigger than a standard GPS in a vehicle, many people are using them or considering using them.
On the Zoom app, the graphics were decent but the text left something to be desired as it is quite poor when zoomed. With the TeleNav app, which is also called the AT&T Navigator, there is no on board mapping. What this means is that unless you have unlimited data plan, you are out of luck as this can use as much as 250MB of data rather quickly.
The GPS Tracker is free, can be used in real time and can track an iPhone online. What's great about this is you can share information on your location with people and it records information for you to review later. Where to Eat app is great if you are in an unfamiliar town as it shows you restaurants in the area.
CoPilot Live HD offers full voice navigation with high resolution graphics and is only $29.99.
Some of the apps that are suggested in order to use the iPad as a GPS device that were mentioned in different sites dedicated to iPad use and apps include: *CoPilot Live HD North America, ALK Technologies, Ltd. $29.99 (Live voice directions) The CoPilot has received a number of good reviews regarding its efficiency and capabilities, and can be mounted in the car for use. *MotionX-GPS Drive HD MotionX $2.99, and an additional $24.99 per year for live voice directions.
Comments include favorable opinions about the split screen as well as staying connected even in remote areas. These two apps seem to be the most used. With the iPad's fairly recent arrival on the scene, a variety of GPS programs are probably in the works.
The iPad 3G includes GPS, and has also received good reviews. One indicated that the iPad GPS was more efficient than the iPhone GPS. A lot of the iPhone apps are compatible with the iPad.
According to various reviews by iPad users and gadget experts. These are some of the best GPS apps to turn an iPad into a GPS device. They include *MotionX-GPS HD: this is a high definition iPad app for GPS navigation.
Some of the features includes; ten different map types; Satellite, Hybrid, Google and Bing Road maps. It also has a base map of the world onboard. Full version of The MotionX-GPS HD can be obtained at the iTunes app store at $2.99.
*iNavX Marine Navigation: this app supports real-time chart plotting and has a multi-touch scrolling, rotating and zooming marine chart. It is available at $49.99 at the iTunes app store *CoPilot Live HD: is an app that has proven to be one of the best iPad GPS to date. It has great features that can convert your iPad into a GPS device.It consists of a voice navigation feature that guides a driver in every turn he/she takes.
The graphics are also of high definition. You can get it at the iTunes app store for $29.99 .
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