The ones that I have personally made for my young boys were capes (black and red) because those are extremely easy to make. I just bought enough cloth and sewed them and my boys got instant capes for Halloween which they also enjoy wearing when they feel like being superheroes such as Batman and Superman. The other ones that you can make for your kids too @24fps are: • Basic horns – Make use of those old headbands and get some crepe paper and other paper that you can paint with black or any color you want it to match with your capes.
You may also add some scary hair-like decorations using scratch papers. €¢ Cloth – you can bore a hole enough to fit your kids’ faces and voila! You got instant scary costume!
€¢ You can also make use of your make up in order to paint on faces of your kids. There are more Halloween costume ideas that you can make at home so see these sites:
I used to make my children their Halloween costumes when they were younger. I did it the first year out of necessity as money was tight but discovered that it was quite fun to do. The first costume I ever made was when my daughter was in a pre-school program for low-income children.My mom had given me a bag full of scrap material to use, and there were some larger scraps of material with polka dots.
There was one large pink piece with white polka dots and one large piece of green with white polka dots. I said this would be great if she were a clown. Those two pieces of material became the pant legs of the outfit, and the top was mostly white.
Of course I made some big floppy multi colored pom poms to add to the top of the outfit. I added a rainbow colored wig. I suggest using your imagination.
Head to the local Salvation Army and by a prom dress if you daughter wants to be a prom queen. Grab a bout an ugly old suit and he can be a businessman.
The best homemade Halloween costume we made at home was "grapes. " I put my daughter in a purple body suit with purple tights. I attached a ton of purple balloons to an oversized purple T-shirt.It was cute and very unique.
I often make Halloween costumes from stuff we have in the house. I do not see any reason to spend $45 on a costume for one day and a couple hours at that. Look in your closet and you can even check resale shops.
You can do a 60's theme, perhaps dress like the 70's, 80's, whatever is in your closet. You can do a Homecoming King or Queen easily. For a girl, just use an old pretty dress, and you can buy fabric and in a paint marker write "Homecoming Queen" on it.
You can sew the sash, or if you have no sewing skills, simply pin the bottom with a safety pin, super simple. Most girls have a princess crown in their closet. For the Homecoming King, do the sash the same way, simply pick up a cheap crown.
Have him dress up in his fancy clothes or tuxedo. Another idea is the ever so popular "Punk Rocker." Use your gel and hairspray and make the hair wild.
Goth is another easy costume. Dress in all black. Rock the hair out and wear black lipstick and dark eyeliner.
The best homemade Halloween costume ideas are simple. Take this one, for example. Cut out a large yellow circle and attach it to the chest of your completely white outfit.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.