I've ordered books from Amazon. Com and received them within a couple of days. I worked on a University Campus for years and I recommended to students to use the following site for purchasing books; http//:half.com I realize your question is asking for information on buying textbooks but have you ever considered renting them?
There are sites that offer that option chegg.com (you can also sell your used textbooks on this site) bookrenter.com/ Check with your own campus book stores, many campuses are also offering this option now. Also check your community for book cellars, sometimes I lucked up with purchasing some textbooks in our local book cellar (private owned used book store. ).
I honestly would suggest that you consider used college text books to save the most money. Things to consider when buying used text books, so that you do not get ripped off in doing so are, make sure that it is the current and correct edition of the book for your course of study. Then make sure it is in usable condition, with no torn or missing pages and that they have no spills or stains on them that will make any of the text unreadable.
There are other benefits in buying used books. If you buy from a student that made good grades and had good study habits while in college, they will have taken good study notes and put them in the border of the pages.
You can easily search for books coupons and promo codes at the following links. Ezcouponsearch. Com is the online coupons brand that can facilitate you all the time in accessing coupon codes that you need.Thanks.
I bought some of my graduate level college textbooks from amazon.com. However, most of our course "books" were actually photocopies of 1970s and 80s Harvard Business Review articles, on which no discount was available and no used books were available. When I was in undergraduate, the internet was pretty barren (amazon.Com didn't exist) and I tried to buy used text books from the college book store.
However, I can't stand a book that's beat up and has bent pages and lots of writing or highlighting. I get so angry about the abuse of the book that I can't concentrate on what I'm reading. If you have a book list, I suggest checking the prices online at Amazon.
Com and possibly even on eBay and then going to the school bookstore and buying there whatever you can't get for less online and ordering online when you get home. Items ordered directly from amazon usually state a shipping date and items usually arrive about 3 days after shipping. EBay is more hit-or-miss on shipping times and you would need to reference the sellers information.
I have found Amazon. Com to be a fantastic site for college textbooks. Everytime I have ordered a book especially used ones, that they come to me in great condition.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.