Cigarette smoking can indeed have an impact on our hair. It can cause out hair to look dull or dreary. Anything that is damaging to our bodies is pretty much damaging to our hair.
The foods we eat also effect our hair. Medications can effect our hair, as well. If you quit smoking you may notice your hair looks a bit healthier.
Your hair may have more shine and fullness. Of course, cigarette smoking is most damaging to our bodies though. If you quit smoking do it because you want to be healthier all around.
I quit a few months ago and I noticed I feel much better. It is hard to quit, but with determination, you can absolutely do it. The one thing I noticed is that my hair no longer smells like smoke.
How unattractive that must have been. I did not realize my hair must smell like smoke, but it did.
Cigarette smoking can indeed have an impact on our hair. It can cause out hair to look dull or dreary. Anything that is damaging to our bodies is pretty much damaging to our hair.
The foods we eat also effect our hair. Medications can effect our hair, as well. If you quit smoking you may notice your hair looks a bit healthier.
Your hair may have more shine and fullness. Of course, cigarette smoking is most damaging to our bodies though. If you quit smoking do it because you want to be healthier all around.
I quit a few months ago and I noticed I feel much better. It is hard to quit, but with determination, you can absolutely do it. The one thing I noticed is that my hair no longer smells like smoke.
How unattractive that must have been. I did not realize my hair must smell like smoke, but it did. Cigarette smoking can indeed have an impact on our hair.
It can cause out hair to look dull or dreary. Anything that is damaging to our bodies is pretty much damaging to our hair. The foods we eat also effect our hair.
Medications can effect our hair, as well. If you quit smoking you may notice your hair looks a bit healthier. Your hair may have more shine and fullness.
Of course, cigarette smoking is most damaging to our bodies though. If you quit smoking do it because you want to be healthier all around. I quit a few months ago and I noticed I feel much better.
It is hard to quit, but with determination, you can absolutely do it. The one thing I noticed is that my hair no longer smells like smoke. How unattractive that must have been.
I did not realize my hair must smell like smoke, but it did.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.