These are the features and specs of the new Honda Accord Crosstour EX-L AWD 2010. The price is around $34,500. *Basic car properties • Body style Sedan • Trim levels EX-L • Available Engine Gas *Safety Features • Smart airbags Standard • Antilock brakes Standard • Traction control Standard • Stability control Standard • Back-up cameras Standard • Roadside assistance Standard • Adaptive cruise control Standard *Entertainment • Satellite radio Standard • Video entertainment system Standard • Connection for portable MP3 sound system Standard • MP3 CD-enabled sound system Standard • USB connection Standard *Climate/convenience • Multizone climate control Standard • Heated/cooled seats Standard • Two-way security system Standard • 12V power outlet Standard *Drivetrain Technology • Drivetrain available All-wheel drive *Navigation • Live traffic data Standard • Voice activated navigation Standard • DVD navigation system (non-GPS) Standard *Communication • Bluetooth phone interface Standard • Home automation integration Standard This is a review of the car by cnet.Com: ---quote--- The good: All-wheel drive gives the 2010 Honda Accord EX-L extra grip on slippery roads.
The stereo includes full iPod integration and very good-sounding speakers. The Bluetooth phone system imports contact lists. The bad: The cabin tech interface is strewn with buttons and a big controller knob that is not always intuitive.
The bottom line: Discounting the unique body style, the 2010 Honda Accord Crosstour is a very average car, although bright spots include iPod integration and its Bluetooth phone system. ---endquote---
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