From the reviews that I read on the 2010 Accord Crosstour, the car seem to be a nice ‘’toy’’. The price starts from $29,670.00 and it has some unique features that make it stand out from other Honda accord models. The good thing about the car is that it is equipped with an all-wheel drive that gives it an extra grip on any slippery road.It also has a stereo that includes or permits full iPod integration and possess nice-sounding speakers.
The Bluetooth phone system of the 2010 Accord Crosstour imports contact lists and makes it easier to use. The bad part of the car is not so bad, but it is a turn off. The cabin tech interface is scattered with buttons and a large controller knob that is difficult to use, but apart from this the car is just cool.
The 2010 Honda Accord Crosstour was ranked 5 out of 5 in Affordable Full Size Wagons. This was based on published reviews, test drives and analysis of its reliability and safety data. The Crosstour is larger, wagon-like version of Honda's midsized car.It is luxurious and gives you a smooth ride with its powerful engine.
The interiors are quite luxurious with base features that are impressive However this is one of the most expensive and it does not provide the utility of most competitor. Moreover, it has an odd exterior styling which give reviewers and buyers pause and ponder.It also fall short on cargo and rear-seat space compared to other midsize SUVs and wagons. Aside from this, the Crossour has strange styling.
Honda may want to make a car which is luxurious and versatile but it falls short in its goal.
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