Students applying for admission into ASU undergraduate program must meet graduation, aptitude and competency requirements. The Graduation Requirement: Students must be high school graduates. The Aptitude Requirements are: Students must meet one of the following aptitude requirements: • 3.0 GPA in competency courses (2.5 - 2.99 considered) • Top 25% (top 26-50% considered) • ACT 22 (24 nonresidents) • SAT Reasoning 1040 (1110 nonresidents) writing portion of the ACT and SAT are not needed by ASU.
---Quote--- Competency Requirement Admission may be granted with one deficiency in no more than two competency areas. Deficiencies in both math and laboratory science are not acceptable. Students must earn a minimum 2.0 in any subject area.
Most competencies may also be met by test scores or college courses. See Detailed Competency Requirements for more information. €¢ English - 4 years (composition/literature based) • Math - 4 years - Algebra 1, Geometry, Algebra II and one course requiring Algebra II as a prerequisite.
€¢ Laboratory Science - 3 years total (1 year each from any of the following areas are accepted: Biology, Chemistry, Earth Science, Integrated Sciences, and Physics) • Social Science - 2 years (including one year American story) • Foreign Language - 2 years (same language) • Fine Arts - 1 year Home School Home schooled students must meet all of the above requirements in addition to the following requirements: • Competency Requirement - Per Arizona Board of Regents (ABOR) policy, laboratory sciences must be conducted in real labs and students should complete the Evaluation of Laboratory Science Courses form as part of the application process. (If you have questions about the laboratory sciences requirement, please call 480-965-7788. ) • Aptitude Requirement - Must be met with SAT or ACT test score.
€¢ Graduation Requirement - Upon completion of secondary school education, complete the Affidavit of Completion of Secondary School Education. The affidavit must be completed by the parent/guardian and notarized. Homeschooled students with a GED score of 500 or above may be admissible without transcripts.
For questions regarding admission for Homeschooled students, e-mail [email protected]. Gher Requirements for Some ASU Schools/Colleges Some colleges/schools have higher requirements for admission to their majors. To learn more about requirements, find the major of your interest at Degree Search.
You should select a second major on your application if your first choice has higher requirements. ---end quote/--- How to apply to ASU: 1. Complete the online Undergraduate Admission Application.. 2.
Submit the nonrefundable application fee o Arizona residents - $50. O Non-residents - $65. 3.
Have your ACT or SAT scores sent directly to ASU. ACT or SAT scores are required for merit scholarship consideration and for ASU course placement. 4.
Applicants must request transcripts from each educational institution attended. Official transcripts must be mailed or sent electronically directly to Undergraduate Admissions by the records office of the issuing institution(s). ASU does not accept transcripts sent or carried by hand by applicants themselves or transmitted by fax.Gh school transcripts must show GPA and date of graduation.
5. ASU Mailing AddresS Undergraduate Admissions Arizona State University PO Box 870112 Tempe, AZ 85287-0112
I have been working with and have trained students for SAT exams, we provide study material, online classes, practice tests and Prep course and much more help is given if a student is weak and unable to gain the confidence for exams..... would like to give a information on the question you have asked Test Scores follow this link and SAT (math) 670 , SAT (verbal) 650 and ACT 29...hope this helps you:).
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.