The symptoms of fibromyalgia far exceeds constant pain in the joints and muscles. Fibromyalgia symptoms vary from person to person and at times can be complicating. Other symptoms includes : • Sweats • Unexplained weight gain or loss • Headaches & migraines • Vision problems • Morning stiffness • Muscle twitches • Diffuse swelling • Allergies • Runny nose • Mold & yeast sensitivity • Shortness of breath • Earaches & itchy ears • Ringing ears • broken sleep pattern • Fatigue • Twitchy muscles at night • Teeth grinding • Menstrual problems • Loss of libido • Bloating • nausea • Abdominal cramps • Pelvic pain • memory impairment • Confusion • Sensitivity to odors, temperature and humidity • Sensitivity to light and noise Note that not all patients experience all these symptoms.
Some of the available treatments for fibromyalgia includes: analgesics, antidepressants and physical therapy. The doctor is in a better position to prescribe the right medication to people with fibromyalgia.
Drugs like Lyrica will be the most popular.
The medical community cannot truly understand the causes of fibromyalgia. It is only said that 3 to 5 percent of the general population can be affected by it and people of all ages can be affected. Symptoms of fibromyalgia include everything from widespread pain to fatigue; menstrual pain to sleep disturbances.
There is no cure of fibromyalgia as the cause is unknown. There are some medicines available that help to ease fibromyalgia pain, sleep issues and to treat other symptoms. Alternative medicine works good to treat fibromyalgia, too.
Meditation, massage and acupuncture have been known to work for many people.
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