I have to organize this in categories, because once the fastfood goes "premium", it tends to specialize. In my area Chipotle and Qdoba are it for Mexican. I love that Chipotle uses a lot of free range meat and organic ingredients.
Fazoli's for Italian. I love their new salads! Jimmy John's for sandwiches.
Very fast, but very premium, and they deliver! Panda Express for Chinese. As far as chains go.
There are tons of little mom-and-pops in my area that are just as fast, cheaper, and arguably more authentic. I do like Arby's quite a lot. They're not quite a burger joint, so I'm not sure about putting them in that category.
If they're not in it, then it's Hardee's/Carl's Jr. Some of the locations have taco bars and hand-scooped ice cream. I don't know how I could pick just one of these. If I was going to go with the most organic/free range, it would have to be Chipotle.
Depends on what you mean by "fast food". In Japan, ramen and ready-made sushi are fast food. So if I have to choose, then I'll choose Japanese fast food as the best fast food in the world.
Ajisen Ramen is a ramen restaurant chain that taste pretty good and sushi in Sushi Tei are simply heavenly. But that depends on your taste. I also really like Moz Burger, a chain fast food restaurant from Japan which sell fusion burgers.
They taste much much better than Burger King with same price. They also serve unsweetened green tea aside from soft drinks which is healthier. Now you make me crave for the food...
I like Arby's . I think fast food is any thing with a drive thru window.
I'd have to say Wendy's because I can't seem to get enough of those Frosties! If there line is too long, Burger King isn't too bad, but Arby's is better. Anything is better than McDonalds.(or as my hubby calls it CrackDonalds) :-).
Panera Bread. It might not be "fast food" per se, because it doesn't market it as such, but you get your food in a manner of minutes and take it to your seat yourself, so I'd tentatively classify it there. But they actually have quality products.
You pay a bit more, but it's worth it. Their salads are amazing, and even though it's been months since I've had a sandwich (diet issues), they're great too. Much better than those slimy, tasteless bowls places like McDonald's try to pass off as salad.
My favorite is actually a local "burger bus".. its actually called burger bus.. but that is what it is. A bus that sells burgers. There food is amaazzzing and fast.As far as actual chain restaurants.. the only one I'll actually eat is Arbies.
I like Popeyes chicken too but there actually isn't one where I live. It's a small town.. we have mcdonalds which I don't eat, arbies, taco bell which ill only eat if I make the food (I managed there in my teen years) and subway. Ill eat subway rarely but I prefer a local sub shop so I go there rarely.
This is easy...... well sorta. Lol. My first pick would be: 5 guy's burger and fries, because you can pick your toppings, the fries are awesome, and peanuts while you wait.My second choice would be: In n Out burger, the Double Double and the fries are unbelievable (Thier only fault.....no fry sauce).
In n Out Burger. They have a great zagat rating as well.
Subway, because their food is actually healthy. They don't fry anything in oil, unlike most fast food places.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.