Great question @edwardclint, power sources and recharging are very important for any of these devices including your new iPad. Your concern about the right kind of power source (ie for your iPod) is a good one, you don't want to damage your electronics with too much power. First, if you need to or wish to recharge your iPod through a wall socket, Apple recommends using the wall charger that is supplied with the device for optimal performance.
You can also purchase a USB 10W power adapter separately through the Apple Store that also provides recharging for the iPad and iPhone, if you want another one. It costs $29.00 and has a 6 foot cord, longer than the cord that comes with the iPad. Your question also concerns using the wall charger with your iPod.
Apple notes that the charger, when used with an appropriate dock, can be used for other devices like an iPod or iPhone. If you have specific questions about any device, call the Apple Store or visit one near you with the actual cords and devices (or serial numbers) and ask a friendly employee. Of note, remember that charging your iPad through your computer also provides a way for you to back up your information, contacts, and other data via syncing.
When you hook up the USB cable to your computer the sync function is enabled, thus essentially 'saving' a backup of your iPad data to your computer. So even if you usually charge your iPad via an electrical outlet, hooking it up to the computer regularly will ensure that all the features are enjoyed. Hope that helps, enjoy.
I've been using the 10W adapter with my iPod touch, iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4 and iPad for several weeks now, and no problems.
A lot of people say that they have been using their Composite AV cable set for both their iPods and iPad and found nothing wrong, while others say that it charges the iPad for a longer time. But I would advice that you stick with the 10W USB Power Adapter that came with your iPad. This charger works pretty well and is specially made for the iPad and is said also compatible with all iPhones and iPods with a dock connector.
With this charger you can charge your iPad directly through an electrical outlet. There is also another ultra compact and convenient USB-based 10W USB Power Adapter that is sold at the Apple store. This adapter includes a 6-foot-long power cord that makes it possible for you to charge your iPad from a farther distance, not greater than 6-foot.
With this charger from the store you can also charge your iPod and iPod touch and if you have an iPhone, it also works well with it.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.