What did you not know you were an expert in until you started answering questions on Askville?

Maybe you never even thought there'd be people who would WANT to know those things. If someone told you when you first started as an Askviller that you'd be answering questions about this you'd have laughed at them. Has your self-image changed at all because of it?

This question was inspired by a recent answer to a knitting question. Asked by cyndyh 46 months ago Similar questions: expert started answering questions Askville Amazon > Askville.

Similar questions: expert started answering questions Askville.

I mean, yes, I do like to think I have good manners, but I’ve suddenly found myself the topic leader! It’s like I’m now an amalgamation of Judith Martin and Emily Post - with a bad attitude. What’s really funny, though, is my inspiration for my answers.

Just about every time I read an etiquette question on this site, I’m transported back in time...and my mother is yelling at me. WHAT? You mean to tell me you haven’t written that thank-you note YET?

My mom has impeccable manners (um...when she wants to). She also loves to lecture, so I guess I’ve absorbed enough of those tirades to be able to plunk out a decent answer now and then. I’m so glad she’s not a member of this website - I’d NEVER hear the end of it!

But at least etiquette is a relatively normal topic. I also hold a top-five slot in these: Alternative Medicine (OK...) Acne (This one’s going on my résumé!) Accounting (This one makes sense, considering it’s what I do) Gay (Mom would get a kick out of this one, too! ) 401k (I must be an expert!

After all, mine is doing so well!Riiiight...) Gall Bladder (I’m giggling.) Rice (Another one for the résumé! ) Body Cleanse (Who’d have guessed that I’m the cleanest Askviller? ) Business Software (I’m totally asking for a raise.) Bookkeeping (...a really big raise!

) Detox ("No Mom - honest! It’s not what it sounds like!") Hermeneutics (Is it a bad thing to have to look up the definition of a topic you lead? ) Office Etiquette (I’m a specialist now!

) UK (I’ve never been there...and we have people on here who live there!) I’m stopping...that’s just through the end of level one (there’s no way I’m looking through all my level zero topics). So to (finally) answer your question - I wouldn’t have considered myself an expert in any of these things! I don’t think it had changed my self image...until you asked this question and made me think about it.By golly, I’m downright boring!

I should be leading fun topics, like, oh...I don’t know..."underpants" or "binge drinking" or something. I guess I’d better get to work then! MidwestPurgatory's Recommendations Baja Bob's Original Margarita Mix, 32-Ounce Bottles (Pack of 3) Amazon List Price: $13.98 Average Customer Rating: 4.5 out of 5 (based on 3 reviews) Maidenform Women's One Fab Fit Bikini #40276 Average Customer Rating: 5.0 out of 5 (based on 4 reviews) .

Movies I've answered a lot of questions (23, and 57 in "Entertainment") about movies here - when they were made, what they were about, who was in them, who directed them, who wrote the music, what I liked and disliked about them. Before I joined Askville, I would never have considered myself to be any kind of expert on the topic. What surprises me is how well I have done with these questions.

Out of my 23 answers on "Movies," I have 9 Best Answers and an average above 4.0. Furthermore, in reading the questions and answers, I realize how much fun I had answering them. I think it's one of my favorite topics here.

Sources: Experience IchtheosaurusRex's Recommendations The Great Movies Amazon List Price: $16.95 Used from: $5.95 Average Customer Rating: 4.5 out of 5 (based on 35 reviews) I'm not him, but I want his job.

Parenting… I am a mother of three kids and I just learn to be one by being one. As I heard someone once said; there is not school to learn to be a parent. Well, it is always good to help people who have questions, no matter which is the topic and if give me confidence to know that I am not always asking the questions but I can answer some of them, which means I had obtained some experience on my own way as a mother for the last six years and I am sure there is much more to learn for me.

On the other hand, those questions also make me reflect on my model as a mother myself and try to be a better one. :) .

Well I knew that I was pretty good at trivia but I didn’t know just how much I knew about Random Crap I must admit to being a bit surprised at my standing in a few topics like relationships, entertainment, health and human behavior. Personal opinion, history, politics and books I am not surprised in the least about except to wonder why I don’t rank a bit higher in some of those topics. Of course my self-image has changed.

I never used to walk around the house in a crown, LOL.

You know, I never thought I would become so addicted... to answering questions as well as expressing my own opinions. I'm on Askville every night and it's great. Yes, I do feel good when my answer helps someone, especially when I can make use of my many years of life experience.

I also love playing the games on the Discussion Board. The best way I can describe Askville is it's the place I can go to talk with friends about ideas, movies, books, music, daily life, etc. , after the work day is finished..

" (10 answers) "I've just been stopped by Askville from answering any more questions because I have "too many in progress"! Why?" ""When you get bored with answering questions on Askville, what do you like to do next? (PG.

Here)"" "isn't it against the rules for ppl answering questions and getting paid for them on Turk to ask askville and have the.

I've just been stopped by Askville from answering any more questions because I have "too many in progress"! Why?

Isn't it against the rules for ppl answering questions and getting paid for them on Turk to ask askville and have the.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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