Where are you sitting as you are answering and answering all these questions?

I am at my kitchen table. Almost like Twitter question. Asked by FrenchFry 18 months ago Similar questions: sitting answering questions Computers > Internet.

In bed It's 2 in the morning so I'm in bed answering questions and listening to my sweetie snoring. It's so weird because his snoring actually relaxes me sometimes. :) .

I'm sitting on the dock of the bay watching the time... roll away Hahaha I always thought that song was so happy then I realized it was really depressing when you listen to the lyrics... Any way the only accurate way to answer that question is HERE and NOW. Space and time are on the same dimension and they are equally figments of your imagination (or my imagination for your imagination). Therefore, while I might indicate that in clock time it is 11:28, this already assumes that we are discussing the man-invented concept of time and further that I am speaking on the man-invented concept of time-zones.In my time zone the eastern timezone it is 11:28 is a better indication.

Really I am mostly just messing with you! :) Im at my desk in my room which is far too close to my bed as far as sleep schedules go.It looks remotely like that... but only very remotely. But if it looked like this: It would be really awesome .

On the sofa In front of the TV listening to the noon news for Utah. Waiting for my son to wake up it is only 11:21 here but 12:21 in Utah LOL. :) .

At my computer desk. It's one of these portable (on wheels) things with a cabinet for the computer, roll-out tray for keyboard, etc. It forms a nice pocket here between two bookshelves, one of which has my audio cassettes on it, which items I don't listen to anymore because the cassette players are in the bedroom. Not that much room, here.

Instead of Answering the Bonus Questions....

I never give anyone less than a three for answering any of my questions, how come sometimes when the voting is over....

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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