There is a time and place for everything. Shouting down the president of the united states while he is delivering a speech is a great way to look like a jerk. Had he posted a biting response to the speech with strong documentation he may have had a bigger impact while maintaining a high level of class.
Instead people will look at this do 5+ seconds of research and decide if Obama is lying without the benefit of Rep Wilson's reasoning. . .. Personally I think this portion of the debate is laughable considering illegal immigrants can get tax paid benefits in an ER under our current system.
The Republican's heckling was typical of the loud, uninformed, and/or deliberately misleading positions taken by other Republicans and conservatives. I think, since you ask for opinions, that the President was completely justified in decrying the numerous lies and scare tactics being used by opponents of public health reform (not just the technical issue you mention); and, that the South Carolina congressman was exactly true to form as the national disgrace he and his party insist on being.
I think Wilson's outburst was inappopriate and a reflection of the lack of civility that has become the norm for "debate" in this country. This was a President's address to a joint session of Congress, denoting an issue of grave importance. The President has remained silent through a summer filled with slander and fear-induced drama regarding the health care issue.It was his turn to speak, and to do so without interruption.
Clearly Mr. Wilson was ill-informed about his role during this presentation and disgraced his constituency. While it is common in the British Parliament to bellow agreement and opposition, it is not the custom in the United States. Wilson's outburst had me wondering for a moment if he were going to rush the podium a la Korean government.
I agree with Representative Joe Wilson's own assessment of his behavior which came shortly after the speech was over: Quote - "This evening I let my emotions get the best of me when listening to the president's remarks regarding the coverage of illegal immigrants in the health care bill," he said. "While I disagree with the president's statement, my comments were inappropriate and regrettable. I extend sincere apologies to the president for this lack of civility."
End Quote- There are three other points that I think appropriate to address along with Representative Wilson's poor behavior: 1. Obama had just finished accusing prominent political opponents of spreading lies, although in a much more civil manner. So I suppose the message is this: It's fine to falsely accuse others of lying so long as you do it politely.2.
The language of the bill does indeed state that it will not apply to illegal immigrants. Obama is well aware that his opponents do not deny that the language exists, and he is well aware that his opponents' actual concerns are based on the absence of a verification mechanism. Obama is also well aware that opposition efforts to amend a verification method to the bill, a verification method such as already exists in other federal programs, was blocked by Democrats in two committees.
Obama is indeed dishonest when he fails to address the absence of a verification method, and attempts to accuse his opponents of simply denying that language in the bill is not there. 3. Here is a clear example of the two major parties indicating that they have no desire to make any effort at civil public discourse.
First, the President accuses his opponents of lying and refuses to honestly address their issues, intentionally misrepresenting their position, and secondly we have a completely unacceptable outburst in reaction. This is the example they are setting for our children: A. If you want to get a bill passed, accuse those opposed to it of being liars (among other things), and then refuse to address what you know to be their real concerns while misrepresenting their position yourself.B.
If you don't like what you hear, yell out that the President is a liar. Would to God that our President could come before Congress and the people of this country and honestly say "I understand that there are opponents to this bill, and I understand that on the issue of illegal immigrants, their opposition is based on the lack of a verification process similar to what is already in place in other federal programs. Now, here is why Democrats have blocked that verification process, here is why we are opposed to it."
As a parent, I could then turn to my children and say "now that is how you honestly deal with disagreements". Would to God that our representatives could control their emotions and refrain from shouting out that the President is a liar in the middle of his speech. Would to God that he would find an appropriate time and place to calmly present his position.
Again, as a parent, I could then turn to my children and say "now that is how you handle disagreements in the political arena". Unfortunately, we have a President who will not engage in discourse on the honest differences of opinion on how to carry out health care reform, but chooses to accuse his opposition of lying and chooses to misrepresent their positions while ignoring their real concerns and refusing to explain his opposition to their concerns, and unfortunately we have representatives (at least one), who cannot control themselves in a civil, dignified manner, who are unable to show the respect and common courtesy due to any speaker, let alone the President of the United States. Does anyone really wonder why so many Americans are unwilling to hold our elected officials up to our children as role models and examples?
Just one man's opinion, I may be wrong.
I think at the end of the day Joe should respect the President as we were forced to respect Bush while he never had an answer to why we sent the troops to Iraq. I think he wanted attention and he knew he was going to create an outburst at some point during the speech and then come out the next day with a can of Spam apology. If he is an elected official learn restraint and go to Anger Management and learn to control those emotions.
Despite the fact that Wilson was probably correct there is a time and place for everything, and that was neither the time nor the place. President Obama or at least the office of the President deserves more respect than that.
While I don't want to condone rudeness, I'm starting to wonder if it is the only thing that really works when dealing with politicians. After the inappropriate "You Lie! " remark, every news outlet I listened to commented that the issue was really about how the lack of a verification system would make it possible for illegal aliens to abuse the system, even though they weren't expressly invited to do so.
Had this rude shout not been uttered, most of America would have thought we were about to get a health care system that couldn't be used by illegal aliens. This is a $30+ billion dollar per year issue, and on July 30th the House Committee on Energy and Commerce voted down Nathan Deal's amendment to HR3200 that would have required standard S.A.V.E. eligibility verification. Thus, the president knew what the real issue was and was trying to mask it when he said that the criticisms were "lies".
Had he acknowledged the the issue of verification with a "we need to work on that" instead of pretending it didn't exist, I would have disapproved of the "You Lie! " shout. I wonder if our country would be in such a mess if a joint session had shouted over issues like Warrant-less wiretaps, clauses in the Patriot Act or excessive government spending during the previous administration.
I'm starting to think loud vigorous dissent might be more useful than everyone treating our public servants like royalty blessed with a divine right of rule. I don't WANT politics to become a brawl, but I am sick of watching both parties do their best to deceive the public, sweep important issues under the rug and gleefully spend trillions of our tax dollars as if it was petty cash. Since nothing else seems to be working, I guess I'm reluctantly willing to let opposing parties give judicious shouting a try, especially since it seems to work in some other countries.
If it turns out that we must indeed resort to this, it should be agreed upon so that all political parties understand the new rules and so that people with manners aren't left at an unfair disadvantage.
I think what he did was great. I say this because I know a lot of people out there didn't watch the president's speech and don't care much one way or the other about what he has to say. Now those people, myself included, have seen the clip and wondered, "Why did he say that?
What could Obama have said to make this guy have an outburst like that? " So I looked it up. And all of a sudden, I know something about political things and I even kinda care.In an age where our voter turnout is generally pretty bad, it's good to get people interested in the issues.
And although he didn't intentionally do that, I believe he accomplished just that.
I applaude Joe Wilson! YOU GO, JOE! I personally would have like to have seen pies and tomatoes thrown at the liar on the stage.
The message is out, and Joe Wilson's reaction was a mirror image that millions of others feel. Good for you, Joe. Good for you!
Oh, BTW Miss jessiemane: get off the whole racial thing. That's not it. It is people like you that keep shoving it down our throats when it is not true in the least that ticks us off.
I am deeply disappointed in Congressman Wilson's decision to succumb to pressure from the cahone-less Republican brethren he shares Congress with. Rep. Wilson was truthful while Mr Obama LIED outright, as he has repeatedly since taking the oath of office.
What a shame.
Way to GO Republican Joe Wilson of South Carolina... You voiced what everyone is thinking...OBAMA and this administration are a bunch of LIARS.....Illegal Aliens will not need to show any proof of USA citizenship to apply for FREE Government Health Care under this health plan... Obama Lied when he said Illegal Aliens would not be covered.. Obama's Administration took out the part of the health care plan that required proof of USA citizenship to apply..OBAMA'S A LIAR... Joe Wilson you are a true American for calling Obama out on his Lie.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.