What do you think George W Bush will be remembered for?

The Iraq War. This question is easy. You will hear about him & the War in Iraq if you open a new edition of the high school history book..

There are two very different worlds out there thanks to the Pollyanna attitudes by the liberal press. (Who wouldn't give the President a break even if he saved the world) Thus: The Liberal Media answer: Being the most unpopular President of all time. One who lied or misled the people (clearly not the case) Someone who had a vendetta against Saddam and only wanted to protect big oil and his friends.

Unfortunately, too many people will fall for this line of leftist diatribe since there is very little balance in the media of America. Too many so-called journalists are dominated by ultra leftist editors trained by ultra leftist professors in ultra leftists Universities where opposing points of view are just "not allowed". The real answer: President Bush recognized that the terrorists, once taken out of Afghanistan, would immediately take refuge in Iraq with all the wealth and power of a ruthless dictator behind them. Probably giving them a base to further attack the US with possible devastating effects... Possibly with even the advanced chemical and/or radio-active weapon components Saddam was known to have.

He should be highly commended for this degree of foresight. Proven by the fact that we have not had any added catastrophic attacks under the Bush Presidency..

" —Bush pondering how history may view him. (White House "President's Press Conference", March 16, 2005) From 2006: Language observers nominated the entries and then ranked them, aided by the Global Language Monitor's predictive-quantities indicator, an algorithm that tracks words and phrases in the print and electronic media and on the Internet. Here they are: 1.

"I'm the Decider. " "I'm the decider, and I decide what is best. And what's best is for Don Rumsfeld to remain as the secretary of defense.

" 29.4.3, in response to a question from CNN's Ed Henry. 2."I use The Google," in reference to the popular search engine. 29.4.3.

Interview with Maria Bartiromo of CNBC.3."It was not always certain that the U.S. and America would have a close relationship. " June 29.4. "I've got an ek-a-lec-tic reading list." 29.4.3 interview with NBC's Brian Williams.5.

"The only way we can win is to leave before the job is done. " Nov.24 (Greely, Colo.) 6. "Stay the course.

" On numerous occasions.7."When the final history is written on Iraq, it will look just like a comma. " Sept.24. Interview with CNN's Wolf Blitzer.8."The Congress was right to renew the Terrorist Act.

" In reference to the Patriot Act. Sept. 7 (Washington) 9."I want to be a war president; no president wants to be a war president.

" Oct. 26.(Des Moines) 10. "The fiscal year that ended on February the 30th. " The government fiscal year ends Sept.30; Oct.11 (Washington) but this site has them also.... And for some of the "top ten"... you can find them here... http://www.innocentenglish.com/funny-bloopers-mistakes-quotes/bushtop10.html As a literacy coach, this is my fave statement he made when visiting my state in 2000~~ “Rarely is the question asked, ‘Is our children learning’?

” —Florence, S.C. 29.4.3 Sources: ol'W, "the Google" and me readtolive's Recommendations My kid sold your honor student all of the answers to the tests! Bumper Sticker My President Can Drink Your Honor Student Under the Table Bumper Sticker readtolive's Recommendations NO MORE BUSHISMS 11 oz. White Mug Amazon List Price: $12.99 The Deluxe Election Edition Bushisms: The First Term, in s Own Special Words Amazon List Price: $12.95 Used from: $0.01 Average Customer Rating: 4.5 out of 5 (based on 10 reviews) George W.

Bushisms : The Slate Book of The Accidental Wit and Wisdom of our 43rd President Amazon List Price: $March 16, 20053 Used from: $0.01 Average Customer Rating: 4.5 out of 5 (based on 55 reviews) Bushisms/President George Herbert Walker Bush in s Own Words Amazon List Price: $March 16, 20053 Used from: $0.01 Average Customer Rating: 4.0 out of 5 (based on 4 reviews) GEORGE W. BUSHISMS 2008 WALL CALENDAR Amazon List Price: $12.99 .

GWB Well of course the war. I will remember that he stumbled his words often or said a completely wrong word. I will remember that they caught Sadam and hung him and his council while he was president.

That's about all I'll remember. Sad huh? .

War on Terror I think that in the long run, President Bush will be remembered for his actions on 9/11 and the month afterward and for starting the war on terror. He is the first president to see the need for a global war to combat islamofascism. That will be his legacy for good or evil.Mr.

Chairman_is_Gone's Recommendations Second Acts: Presidential Lives and Legacies After the White House Amazon List Price: $24.95 Used from: $2.99 Average Customer Rating: 4.5 out of 5 (based on 6 reviews) .

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" "If George Bush really WAS a shrub, what kind would he be?" "Does anyone know George Bush's real age? " "What will George W. Bush be remembered for?" "How will history judge George W.

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What will George W. Bush be remembered for?

How Did George W. Bush get elected for presidant.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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