Will George W. Bush be remembered as the least intelligent President in American history?

W began as a refreshing light in a dark tunnel, and he is very intelligent. Unfortunately, his father's entanglements and depravity have carried over to him, from his drug problems and disreputable past (which, thankfully, he left behind him in his conversion to Christianity) to his ties with the most evil organizations ever invented by humanity. W's advisors were, in some cases, as bad as those of the current administration, and the Blythes, Bechtels, Clintons and Bin Ladens were and are among his father's best friends.

W's concealment of the revival and signature of the Law of the Sea Treaty, the N.A.U. / N.A.S.P.P. / F.T.A.A., Totalization, the U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child, UNCEDAW, and other very dangerous components of Agenda 21, has forever cast a shadow upon his legacy and actually may stand as his true legacy. To your point, however, yes, it is amazing that while Clinton had nothing to do with the lack of readiness by our troops and clandestine forces at 9/11, even though his "peace dividend" came from cutting and gutting our military and clandestine forces and restructuring them into inanity, and while Carter had nothing to do with our current fiscal crisis, even though he was the one who opened the door to derivative financing (which Clinton later used to generate a false appearance of economic prosperity and a huge bubble in the housing sector, and which Community Organizer and later Senator Obama bullied major lending insitutions into adopting and extending at a dangerous level of risk) for the first time since FDR's failed attempt to do so, and while FDR had nothing to do with our current crisis even though we are STILL paying off the debt from HIS 3 terms in office . Yet W seems awfully powerful in being able to command and control the economy from his home in Crawford, while the current president helplessly looks on in shock and terror to see the economy collapsing under DNC socialist progrommes, which, of course, must be under the absolute control of W .

Hmmmmm .

Gosh it IS a miracle, put it that way! I think the Bush administration was tested way beyond any other administration. 9/11, Katrina, reinforcing UN mandates by invading Iraq, there are more.

No other admin has been tested, so quickly or fiercely. Even though greatly criticized, I think Bush did well, for flying on the seat of his pants.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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