What do you think of Marshall School of Business changing their undergrad curriculum to become more diverse?

I think it's clever that USC Marshall aims to keep its core business program, as it tries to flex wholeheartedly to serve the demands of the time. While the business school anchors on its respectable US News & World Report rankings, it strives to go higher by internationalizing and "interdisciplining" or "interdisciplinizing" the business school experiential learning opportunities for its students. €œLeaders of tomorrow need a mindset that allows them to effortlessly cross boundaries, whether those borders are international, cultural or disciplinary," declared the dean James G.

Ellis, without hypocrisy. Sixty percent more elective units are now offered! Top universities like USC create experts, certainly not dabblers in multiple fields.

However, too much specialization detaches experts from the interdisciplinary nature of the real world. Electives play a crucial role in reintroducing the experts into the wild marketplace they may have forgotten about after years of focused study in the university and specialized work in the workplace. And you can't stress the fact that international exchange programs are indispensable in the age of globalization.

Furthermore, new students are now allowed not only to take upper-division electives, but also to create new programs like "Introduction to Venture Capital� And "Business Forecasting. " These are the hallmarks, the ways the best schools stand out.

They evolve with the times. Functionally narrow-minded people can no longer be considered experts in our knowledge-based economy and world. To keep up with technology, universities have to allow students to tackle advanced courses or define new courses altogether.

While recreating itself, Marshall also reinforces what it is known for. Business foundational courses have been upgraded to deliver key material more efficiently. To top it off, a "new integrative class focused on data analysis for decision making" has been made to ensure that Marshall creates the ideal leaders for the ever-changing business world.

So yeah, I think the bold step is not a wild one. Rather, it is a precisely-calculated move that will push USC higher in the rankings and real world. There is really nowhere to go but to embrace diversity in every way, internationally and interdisciplinarily.

Furthermore, new students are now allowed not only to take upper-division electives, but also to create new programs like "Introduction to Venture Capital” and "Business Forecasting." These are the hallmarks, the ways the best schools stand out. They evolve with the times.

Functionally narrow-minded people can no longer be considered experts in our knowledge-based economy and world.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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