What do you think would be an ideal message about the double standard and sexuality -- where would you hope our value?

Similar questions: ideal message double standard sexuality hope.

I don't think things will be much different in 10 years but I can hope. The double standard isn't all much in effect today as it was 50 years ago. People don't expect girls to be virgins and they don't expect a boy to f*** every girl who doesn't actively say no.No one wants to be with a dirty slut/manslut.

It's just gross and possibly very dangerous. It's not cool for a guy to bang everything that will stand still long enough anymore and it's not cool for a girl to get so drunk she does every guy at a party.In 10 years I hope that we send a clear message that sex is something special and that each person is entitled to love and respect in any sexual relationshp. Casual sex is not a good thing for anyone.

People have destroyed themselves with casual sex. People in loving relationships should not be judged. It should be understood that there is every possibility that we won't have the same sexual partner for 50 years and that is okay too.

I have told every young woman who asked me, and there are literally hundreds of them, that she is a special person who deserves to be a cherished and loved partner in life. She is the mother of the future and she deserves all the respect that entails. And I tell her that respect begins with how she values herself.

She doesn't have to have sex with a boy because he wants to and he says he likes her. If he threatens to break up with her if she won't have sex with him I tell her that he isn't good enough for her. I wish more people would send young women a message like this.

-layyla-'s Recommendations Every Young Woman's Battle: Guarding Your Mind, Heart, and Body in a Sex-Saturated World (The Every Man Series) Amazon List Price: $13.99 Used from: $4.90 Average Customer Rating: 4.0 out of 5 (based on 28 reviews) A Smart Girls Guide to Boys: Surviving Crushes, Staying True to Yourself & Other Stuff (American Girl Library) Amazon List Price: $9.95 Used from: $0.19 Average Customer Rating: 4.5 out of 5 (based on 13 reviews) .

I think we should be celebrating the differences and the similarities rather than focusing on the "double standard". I think the point is that men and women ARE different. We think differently, and we view our part in the world differently.

Women tend to be more empathetic to other people than men. Men tend to let minor transgressions go easier. But together, men and women can make a very powerful team.

We should learn to incorporate our differences in a synergistic manner to create a better whole. I would hope that in the future that we would be able to find ways to incorporate everyone's views and differences into the benefit or society and of corporate organizations. Sources: My opinion..

" "im confused about my sexuality. Help? " "Ladies, give an example of when you used your sexuality to get something you wanted..." "I need help in regards to my Autistic son and his sexuality.

" "Why do they have a section for questions of sexuality?" "Is there any justification to insult a member on grounds of race, religion, colour, gender or sexuality? " "Are your children being pressurised into sexuality much too early? " "I am looking for a video that talks about how to talk with adolescents about love and sexuality." "Do you enjoy reading a mainstream novel with graphic sexuality?

Favorites? Least Favorites?

Ladies, give an example of when you used your sexuality to get something you wanted...

I need help in regards to my Autistic son and his sexuality.

I am looking for a video that talks about how to talk with adolescents about love and sexuality.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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