What does God think of this? What do you think of this? I believe God is real and religion is not helping God?

I believe God is real and religion is not helping God. If you mock God, what happens? Will George Carlin find God on this earth?

Www.youtube.com/watch?v=MeSSwkffj9o&feature=related What would you tell George Carlin if you could talk to him? Asked by Shasha 47 months ago Similar questions: God real religion helping Society > Religion & Spirituality.

Similar questions: God real religion helping.

I've No idea who this Gerorge Carlin is and was not clever enough with your link to find that video, however... God is "not" moked what one reaps that is what one gets. I am not able to say anything on this video I was not clever enough to find it, I am talking about the "content" of the words in this question as best I can. To just believe God is real puts one in the same place with the devil.In James 2:19 satan believes in God and trembles, one must BE-LIVE "if" You Love me then keep my commandments John 14:15, and you said religion is not helping God, okay religion means belief, that is what the word means, and everyone has A belief.

And one can not "help" God, God must "help" us, we can not in any case "help" God to save us, God must Be God and save us, we do what God asks because we love the ones at the cross that were mocking spit upon m but Jesus dies for them AND This Geroge Carlin who ever He is, and I pray as should everyone that George will find God, but I suggest if your wanting This person to find God to pray for this person, For God "SO" Loved Geroge Carlin that He gave... God bless free bible lessons www.amazingfacts.org or www.vop.com Sources: The Holy Bible .

George is not a know it all I’ve heard it said that there’s never enough evidence for the non believer. Tha Apostle Paul wrote in Galations 6:7-10 - 7 Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows.8 The one who sows to please his sinful nature, from that nature will reap destruction; the one who sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life.9 Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.

10 Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers. A day will come when ALL knees bow and every tongue confesses that Jesus Christ is Lord. I can fully understand why non believers believe what they believe because I was a non believer for most of my life as well.

So was Paul the Apostle. There’s Hope for all of us. Our destiny does not depend upon what George Carlin or Bill Cosby or P.

Diddy or JLo thinnks or spreads as their beliefs. No, Hollywood dictates non-sense and will reap non-sense. I wonder how many american idol movie star icons, were able to take their Oscar with them or any of their millions or their Rolls Royce or Rolex watch or any of those things that are thrown at us as success in this capitalistic society we live in.

We came in naked and we’ll leave naked. With nothing more than our relationship with Christ. And hey, you say I’m full of it?

Well, I base what I’m saying on irrefutable experience and just for hypothetical’s sake, if I’m wrong, the jokes on me, If I’m right..... I’m prepared! So sing with me, If you’re happy and you know it your hands! If you’re happy and you know it your hands!

If you’re happy and you know it, give your tuchus a shake! If you’re happy and you know it, give thanks! ** sorry, I stopped finding George Carlin funny when he stopped sh*tting on the broccoli.

That was about 1970 something! Sources: life here, there and everywhere EternalOptimist's Recommendations Sowing and Reaping A Fearless Heart: Convicted Not Condemned Amazon List Price: $15.56 Used from: $10.53 Average Customer Rating: 4.0 out of 5 (based on 21 reviews) .

Religion is bullshit, well most of it anyway. Most religions were created by controlling people, arrogant enough to think they had all the answers. I think God and what he wants from and for us as his creation is pretty simple.

Religion just make it all very complicated. I have never understood those people who are raised in a religion, then as adults never question what they were taught.

1 Well, in the first place, God is all-Knowledge, Wisdom, Power, and is present everywhere, there is nowhere where He is not. God has no need of mankind but it is mankind who must become aware of God and find s presence within their own mind and heart (i.e. , the temple not made with hands).

Anyone who places their reliance on the Ego or small self, will simply accumulate a karmic debt which will need to be worked out at some time in future. What goes around, comes around. God has a plan for us and I put my trust in .

Well, in the first place, God is all-Knowledge, Wisdom, Power, and is present everywhere, there is nowhere where He is not. God has no need of mankind but it is mankind who must become aware of God and find s presence within their own mind and heart (i.e. , the temple not made with hands).

Anyone who places their reliance on the Ego or small self, will simply accumulate a karmic debt which will need to be worked out at some time in future. What goes around, comes around. God has a plan for us and I put my trust in .

2 I do believe in karma and that is why I didn't even want to show people this video. I would rather promote God than show the opposite of belief. I hope he can use this video to further his kingdom and that it will bring more people to God.

The video is called George Carlin Religion is Bullshit. I hate the language, but it is what people may encounter when they tell others God is real.

I do believe in karma and that is why I didn't even want to show people this video. I would rather promote God than show the opposite of belief. I hope he can use this video to further his kingdom and that it will bring more people to God.

The video is called George Carlin Religion is Bullshit. I hate the language, but it is what people may encounter when they tell others God is real.

Answer with or without God or religion. " "Where is the religion category? Is God squeezed out yet again :(" "Do you think that God particularly cares about what religion one follows as long as they believe in " (17 answers) "How many gods are present in the Can they be thought of simply as manifestations of one God?

" "what religion is the true religion" (15 answers) "religion" "Your 'Change category' does not work. You put my 'computer' question into 'Religion & Spirituality.'" "I am taking a poll on this question, "What is the difference between spirituality and religion? "" (10 answers).

Note the bearing on the current threads re 'organized religion' as contrasted w/ spirituality.

Do you think that God particularly cares about what religion one follows as long as they believe in " (17 answers).

What religion is the true religion" (15 answers).

Your 'Change category' does not work. You put my 'computer' question into 'Religion & Spirituality.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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