What film would you watch again and again and again?

Over Board Curt Russell and Goldie Hawn. Pulp fiction. Kill Bill one and Two...have more if you want lol.

Sorry canĀ“t decide on one movie, I spent already to much time of my life with watching movies again, so here are some which I have seen at least 5 times:Fight Club, Big Fish, Le Destin de Amelie Poulan, Most of the Cohen Brother Movies, The Godfather 1 + 2, Indiana Jones Triology, Star Wars from the second part on, All Kevin Smith movies, David Fincher and Tim Burton Movies such as Zodiac,Sleepy Hollow Edward Scissorhands and The Game. Most Stanley Kubric Movies, Half Baked, Cheech & Chong, Dude where is my Car (Just when Im stoned)There are more but these are pretty much my favorites ;).

There are so many... Casablanca, Singing in the Rain, Titanic, Die Hard, Toy Story , Lord of the Rings trilogy... the list could go on for a film lover!

The Big Lebowski. The Coen brothers. Jeff Bridges.

Enough said.

Well, we're just about to watch Holy Grail yet again. First one to get a quote wrong will be shamed for ever. There are many films that are family favourites though - probably too many to list.

Doctor Strangelove, Catch 22, Blues Brothers.

It would have to be "White Roses for my Black sister,) Imitation of life. Overboard Goldie Hawn/kurt Russell..some many of them I never get tired of watching TCM .. to me those movies had class and decent stories lines....

Pillowtalk a 60's romantic comedy--I never get tired of it, and Star Trek, TNG First Contact.

Phenomenon with Kyra Sedgwick and John Travolta. I get a kick out of it. The garden scene when he manically rakes then the breeze grasps at his soul remind me of coming out of a manic episode.

Works great for sharing.

The holiday! I think it's a film that every woman can relate to. Cameran diaz, kate winslet and jude law (as a single father who wears glasses and is very funny after a drink or two).

It's a great film to put on if you want cheering up and I think.

By Wayne K. WIlkins published 6 months ago.

A Good Year," the Ridley Scott film starring Russell Crowe.

By Patty Inglish, MS published 6 months ago.

Shawnshank Redemption... Mask of Zorro... Lord of the Rings..

Invictus. Great and beautifull film. I would watch forever.

The life of bees dakota fanning and precious with mariah carey.

The "Bourne" movies, read the books as well, the movies changed a lot from the books, but they are all good in their own way.

There would be many that I have watched a number of times and wouldn't watching again and again, and again.... Top of the mind now are : Dirty Rotten ScoundrelsGodfather 1 & 2Il PostinoFanny & AlexanderNot One Less.

Purgatory...the original version of 'lord of the rings'....

The NotebookThe PassionYoung GunsWag the Dog (I didn't love, I learned)Lord of War (I didn't love, I learned)And yes, Overboard.

Titanic and avatar! The best for me.... I like avatar so much..because its about a fantasy vs. reality.

Any Jim Carrey movie...freaking hillarious! And a great actor in other "non-funny" roles.

Have to say "Cat On A Hot Tin Roof. " What a great movie.

I think I have watched "Titanic" for more than 10x...=D.

Accepted, Grown Ups, TRON: Legacy, Burlesque, The Princess Bride, and Coraline.

No doubt Godfarther Part 1 and part 2, They are the most classical film ever in Hollywood . Worth in watching ever and ever again.

Friends. The six people always remind me of my close friends all the time.

The tourist - Johnny Depp, Angelina JolieAmerican Pie Catch me if you can - Leonardo DiCaprio, Tom HanksThe Departed - Leonardo DiCaprio, Matt DamonInception - Leonardo DiCaprioShutter Island - Leonardo DiCaprio.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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