The answer about foods with thick outer skins being less likely to contain pesticide residue is correct. However, some extremely dangerous pesticides are being used quite liberally on other produce (veggies and fruits) with thin skins. You couldn't pay me to eat a non-organic commercially-grown tomato, squash or strawberry!
California recently approved the use of a dangerously toxic pesticide for strawberries, chili peppers and other produce crops. Farm workers and environmental organizations filed a lawsuit against the so-called Pesticide Regulation Department, and the scientists on the department's own advisory panel warned that it's an "extremely toxic and dangerous chemical"--to no avail. Heavy spraying with this poison went right ahead.
When the bottom line is at stake, you can't count on any official agency to protect you and your family. You must do it yourself! That doesn't, of course, help the farmworkers exposed to this poison or the people living in close proximity who get run-off water with this toxin.So, no, Earl....all food is NOT safe to eat to a certain degree.
Fruits and vegetables that have a thick outer skin are safer to eat because it's harder for pesticides to penetrate. You should remove the skin before eating, like bananas.
There are so many healthy foods that are safe to eat aside from coffee and these are peanut, tomatoes, avocado, squash and a lot more foods to mention just like fruits and vegetables. But be careful when it comes to green leafy vegetables, they are very healthy foods to eat but sometimes they are expose to chemical sprays. When choosing to eat green leafy vegetables, make sure that they are not overly sprayed with chemicals.
One very important thing to remember when choosing and the right foods to eat is that we only have to not overcooked the foods when cooking because nutrients contained in the foods will be lost due to extreme heat. Also it is important to remember that we must not always eat chemically process foods because they contained chemicals like preservatives which can cause damage to our internal body cells.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.