What gives the white guy, Harry Reid, Democrat/ Nevada, the right to deny the legally appointed?

Democrats Treatment of black people has always been atrocious. Democrats used them as slaves because they could, and justified it by saying they were not really human and their masters "care" was for their own good. Republicans were created to stop such exploitation and abuse saying all men should have equal protections, and that Black people were obviously people.

They got Slavery abolished. Democrats created the KKK to stop black people from voting Republican. Republicans put down the KKK Democrats pushed black people into their own groups which they oppressed, this was done before the KKK was crushed, and with less success after, but it was still done and they held to segregation Republicans wrote the Equal Rights amendment, Democrats hated it big time, JFK voted against it in 1957 Later JFK and others after JFK was elected president and met with the scum bags who run the Federal Reserve who seek by bribery and intimidation, and often enough, Murder ... well JFK said whoa!

JFK turned on the Progressive movement the scum bags in the Federal Reserve Basically created, the group called the Fabian Society which they were heavily connected with (many of the same people in both) ... and JFK met with MLK, joined with the Republicans to support the ERA, and lowered taxes and stopped working the Progressive agenda to control the commoners as live stock. The Democrats were livid with JFK and carried their stupid little signs and did their stupid little idiot sheep chants as Democrats are apt to do, calling JFK a traitor. They murdered him, The Federal Reserve Holders, Fabian Society, with help of the VP Johnson and a crap load of money poured into the effort, but in a speech at Columbia University 10 days before he died JFK exposed the fact that there was a shadow government and very powerful people attempting to use his office to foment a plot to steal the freedoms and liberty of the American people, and before he left office he would inform them of this plot, 10 days later BLAM BLAM BLAM he was dead.

The kind of obfuscatory crap that went on afterward is indicative of a lot of money being poured into the situation. Bankers, the Fabian Society Bankers who were upset about his mouth running and his attempts to castrate the Fed's monopoly on issuing money which is extremely lucrative and how they take power in the world. Many have died because they bucked this situation all through history.

The Democrats (the Progressive Fabian Society / Rothschild Cartel Dupes) regrouped and got Nixon, won with Carter, and started their plot once more ... it started with the Community reinvestment act which was the beginnings of a plot to crash the US system, which is their goal. They also knew that fuel was the life's blood of our economy, and started then attacking that as well.

Obama is a puppet to the Bankers who bank rolled His candidacy. So is Rick Perry. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I6J8dUZPv... Continue to progress as a person, as an individual.

The more that you can progress as an individual the higher level of consciousness you automatically become affiliated with. The Id has an infinite number of levels to it. Personal morality can help you become a part of higher and higher collective-wisdom consciousness states of consciousness.

God bless.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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