I have a fairly new stainless steel GE side by side refrigerator and the handle is starting to become loose. There is a little hole where a hex key should be able to fit in on the handle, but I cannot find the size of this in the instructions anywhere. The model number of the refrigerator is "GSS25WSTA SS".
Asked by biju 47 months ago Similar questions: hex key buy fix door handle GE side refrigerator Home > Home Improvement.
Similar questions: hex key buy fix door handle GE side refrigerator.
Hex key Buy a whole set for a couple of bucks at your local discount stores.
Well, I'd buy a set of hex wrenches and try to fix it that way... In the old days we’d call hex keys "Allen wrenches". If you have a set of them, you can experiment and find the right one for the job, which is usually how I'd find the right Allen wrench for the job. They come in handy for all sorts of home projects---knock down furniture assembly, electric guitars, power saws and sanders, any thing with an Allen ’nut’.
Here's a link to the site where I found this picture--and a few Amazon links for both SAE and metric sizes.
Buy yourself a set of hex keys, more n likely it will be 3/16ths. A set in the tool box will keep them handy for such quick fixes!
You can call GE parts (1-800-626-2002). I'm sure they'll have the part but maybe you'll get lucky and find out the correct size.
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How do I fix this?
Water leaking from ice maker ge profile side by side, works ok freezes at the door.
9 year old GE side by side refrigerator is not cooling and freezer/water dispenser not working.
I have a GE refrigerator and water is leaking from somewhere on the left side of the bottom right above the two bins. W.
How to replace an outside door handle with electric windows and locks on a 1995 Toyota Camry. Drivers side door.
Whenever I use the right shift key, a menu on the left side of the screen pops up. How do I fix this?
I have a fairly new stainless steel GE side by side refrigerator and the handle is starting to become loose. There is a little hole where a hex key should be able to fit in on the handle, but I cannot find the size of this in the instructions anywhere. The model number of the refrigerator is "GSS25WSTA SS".
Asked by biju 51 months ago Similar Questions: hex key buy fix door handle GE side refrigerator Recent Questions About: hex key buy fix door handle GE side refrigerator Home > Home Improvement.
Similar Questions: hex key buy fix door handle GE side refrigerator Recent Questions About: hex key buy fix door handle GE side refrigerator.
1 Buy yourself a set of hex keys, more n likely it will be 3/16ths. A set in the tool box will keep them handy for such quick fixes! .
2 You can call GE parts (1-800-626-2002). I'm sure they'll have the part but maybe you'll get lucky and find out the correct size.
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" "How do you fix an icemaker on a Kenmore refrigerator? " "What tools are a must have for home improvement? " "i have a GE refrigerator and water is leaking from somewhere on the left side of the bottom right above the two bins.
W" "Whenever I use the right shift key, a menu on the left side of the screen pops up. How do I fix this? " "I have a GE Refrigerator and the water from the front door window stop coming.
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The door stop on my side by side fridge is broken. The door swing open without stopping. How do I fix?
The ice dispenser on our ge side by side refrigerator makes noise but does not work. The water works fine. What to do?
I have a GE Refrigerator and the water from the front door window stop coming.
Water is collecting in the refrigerator side of my GE side-by-side - spraying from a vent in the wall between 2 sides.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.