What if I was backing up & I hit someone's car & they had no insurance & a suspended license?

Unless the car owner takes you to court and gets a judgement against you, you have no legal obligations if you want to avoid the "karma" aspect, you might pay for the repairs or give a partial payment. Sometimes it's good to do whatever you can to resolve this kinda stuff and be done with it. A minor mistake could turn into an out of control war that could make your life a living hell all over a few bucks.

9 times out of 10 the person backing up during an accident is found at fault. It does depend on where your car struck their car, but anywhere other than her front bumper and the judge will decide in her favor. If it's anywhere from the front fender to the back fender chances are it's "your fault" If they were driving on a suspended license with no insurance some judges will rule in your favor because they were breaking the law and should not have been operating the vehicle in the first place.

If anything call your local public defenders office and ask. Also, if your car received ANY kind of damage at all, even scratches on the bumper go spend the $80 and file a civil suit against them first. It will look a lot better for you being the one who sued instead of being sued, if anything they will then have to counter sue you, just make sure to use the argument that they should not have been operating a vehicle on a suspended license in the first place and the accident would have never happened.

Her having no license and no insurance is irrelevant when it comes to liability. It has nothing to do with the accident, so yes you still owe her for the damages. You can pay out of pocket or let your insurance handle it.

Turn it over to your insurance. I would if I backed into somebody in a parking lot.Easy.

The other guy is right people with suspended lisences and no insurence do this all the time ive even seen old people do it but yea if the cars not in good shape it she probably wanted it to happen.

Hmm maybe she was trying to be hit.. She could have set you up, to receive money. Did she have a beat up car? People do that all the time.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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