What is Jasper Johns' fan mail address?

There most likely is not any way for individuals to send personal correspondence to this artist The man is known to be reclusive as well as somewhat eccentric and it is extremly unlikely that the man would want to facilitate being sent hundreds of thousands of letters from all over the world for him to spend any amount of time going through and reading them In Michael Crichton's book written about the artist, he tells of time when he spoke to jasper johns about various universities all aroung the world wanting to honor the artist with honorary degrees. Johns made the remark that he has turned down every single request. Crichton asked Johns why this was so and Johns replied that he'd much rather do anyting else with his time than to travel around the country and sit through boring commencment cerimonies and listen to speeches I would think that the same thing would apply to reading fan mail.

Too bad, because I wanted to write to him myself. I'm an artist and after reading something about his approach to his work, I wanted to tell him something about the processes involved with how I create my own art which in many ways is similar to the instinctive approach that he uses I think the only way this man could be reached would be through a third party or even a fourth party. For example, for all of those universities that wanted to give Jasper Johns honorary degrees, they most likely contacted either museums that display a number of his works or else they contacted printing houses that have printed his works Keep in mind, too, that while those museums and the printing houses would be willing to give out Jasper Johns' personal contact information to Cornell, Fordham, or Harvard university, it's likely that they'd give out the same information to unknown individuals If Micheal Crichton were still alive, I would try writing to him and hope that I could contact him and then convince him to give my letter to Jasper Johns, but even that would be a long shot.

I once sent a letter and one of my small paintings to Salvador Dali. It was at the time when he was dying and was hospitalized. I got the address from the Los Angeles Times writer who had reported the story that Dali was hospitalized I was never able to find out if Dali had received my letter and painting but I've always hoped that he did.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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