I also have very hard to style hair. I think my hair has a category of it's own. I usually describe it as ethnic hair, as it most resembles ethnic hair.
You need a curling iron that gets very hot. The Gold N Hot curling iron was designed for ethnic hair, which can also be considered as hard to style. The Gold N Hot curling iron has different setting from not so hot to extremely hot.
I usually set mine just at the half way point and my curls turn out perfect. My daughter has more "normal" hair, if you will. She turns the dial on the heat to about a 2.
You can buy the Gold N Hot curling iron at beauty supply stores, such as Sally's. I actually found the last one we bought on Ebay, brand new, for just $20. That was about 2 years ago.
These curling irons last forever, so they are well worth every cent. More importantly, you know your hair will turn out, every time!
An indepth tutorial on how I get my hair really wavy and bouncy.An indepth tutorial on how I get my hair really wavy and bouncy. If you have any questions feel free to ask, I'll answer them as best as I possible can. If you have any questions feel free to ask, I'll answer them as best as I possible can.
Tools:Tools:Revlon Curling Iron 1.5 inches ($10)Revlon Curling Iron 1.5 inches ($10)Variety of clips (At least 2)Variety of clips (At least 2)Hair TieHair TieProducts used:Products used:Tresemme Curling Shampoo and ConditionerTresemme Curling Shampoo and ConditionerCitre Shine Anti-Frizz Spray Laminator ($3-$4)Citre Shine Anti-Frizz Spray Laminator ($3-$4)Panteen ProV classic hairspray in Ultra Firm Hold(optional)Panteen ProV classic hairspray in Ultra Firm Hold(optional)Most Commonly asked QandA (as of January 10, 2010)Most Commonly asked QandA (as of January 10, 2010)Q1: I did what you did, but my hair still won't curl, what can I do? Q1: I did what you did, but my hair still won't curl, what can I do? A1: I have a video called Blair Waldorf/Gossip Girl Inspired hair.
In that video I am using the same curling iron, using a different curling technique that will get you the same kind of curls as in this video. A1: I have a video called Blair Waldorf/Gossip Girl Inspired hair. In that video I am using the same curling iron, using a different curling technique that will get you the same kind of curls as in this video.
Q2: I curl my hair, but then two seconds later it falls out. How can I get it to stay? Q2: I curl my hair, but then two seconds later it falls out.
How can I get it to stay? A2: Hair stays curled longer when its dirty, meaning its gotta have stuff in it to keep the curl. So curling it on unwashed hair (second day hair Google it if you do know what this means) keeps the curls intact longer.
Also, have some sort of product in your hair. After youve washed it, put product in it! Don't be afraid of products!
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.