What is the best fiction or non fiction book you have ever read?

My most favortie is terry brooks teh sword of Shannara which in my mind is a homage to Lord of teh Rings, so it was a great way to get into a "classic' without reading a classic.

The Road to Avalon by Joan Wolf. It is no longer in print but you can occassionally find a copy in a library or used book store. It is a take on Merlin, King Arthur, Morgan and Gwenyfer.It is not mystical at all-no sorcery or dragons and such.

A very realistic, romantic and epic tale of Arthur's life from his birth to his death. It made me laugh outloud and cry too-I love a book that can do that!

I'm interested in just about anything. I'll read romance, western, sci-fi, fantasy, horror, historical, intrigue, etc. These all sound great. I constantly keep a "Need to Read" booklist on my cell phone, so I'll be sure to add these to it.

Keep the suggestions coming! Just to give you all an idea what I've read, the last book (finished last night) is called Freak The Mighty.It was a great little 165 (or so) page story. You all should check it out.

Also, I'm reading the Sword of Truth series by Terry Goodkind. He is an amazing writer. Before that, I read Three Cups of Tea and the Kite Runner.

The Sky Stone by Jack Whyte. It gives a realistic explanation for the "Magic" in the legend of King Arthur with out taking out the magic of the story.

The Sirens of Titan by Kurt Vonnegut. Can't go wrong with Vonnegut. If you can find Mark Twain's Letters from the Earth collection then I highly recommend that as well.

The best book I ever read is called "The Puritans. " It is part of a series of books written by Jack Cavanaugh. It follows the Morgan family as they came to America to escape England.

I have been reading the series and it is wonderful.

There are six good books, I just listed on site. All are very interesting. Most of these are non-fiction, one fiction.

Check out if you love to read!

Without a doubtPsycho by Robert BlochIt is fantastic; but also out of print now. I would also say that any Stephen King book is good - leaving aside the Bachman Novels. As my professional opinion (I work in a bookshop) I would say White Tiger - I can't remember who the author is but it is meant to be a very good read.

It's either "The Evil Seed", by Joanne Harris (author of Chocolat, Holy Fools, the Lollipop shoes) - which is an escalating tale of vampires and madness, or "Grass" by Sheri S. Tepper, which is quite hard to come by, which is a space-age tale of otherworldy life.

I love mysteries, especially James Patterson, all of the Kellermans, Michael Connelly, and Heinlein's Stranger in a Strange Land. My favorite book is Silent Spring by Rachel Carson. She wrote about the dangers of pollution, global warming etc.Back in the 60s.

Great book for environmentalist and green folks. I have been known to ask strangers what book they're reading also.

The best book I have ever read is actually a series of books. The series is called The Sword of Truth, and it starts off with a book called Wizard's First Rule, authored by Terry Goodkind. The series starts off as a wonderful fantasy epic, but as it progresses, many moral and ethical questions are addressed through the main protaganist's actions.An excellent series, I can honestly say that these books changed my life.

Sometimes a Great Notion by Ken Kesey is definitely up there. However, for something a little more modern, The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night Time by Mark Haddon is quite fantastic.

I grew up an avid Stephen King reader, but the one book of his that is rarely mentioned that scared the H-E-double hockey sticks out of me is "Pet Sematary". Rarely have I read a book where I was covering my mouth and closed my eyes at certain parts because of what was happening. Parts of it read like an author learning his craft, but overall an amazing book.

Scary, heart-breaking and nightmare-inducing, if I had three hands, I'd give it a triple thumbs up.

I really liked the House Of Night Series, and if you've read the Twilight Saga, you'll like these. I actually think this series is BETTER than Twilight, but that's just my opinion. This book is also about vampyres, but it's different since you don't get bitten top become a vampyre, but marked, and you then you're only a fledgling, and you have to complete the Change to become an actual vampyre.

Anyway, the main character is a girl named Zoey, and she gets marked, and is sent to the House Of Night, and then the story just takes off....it's AMAZING! There are five books after it, so it's a great series to read, and I read each book in a day each, so they were GREAT, as I keep saying, so READ THEM!

The Celestine Prophecy, by James RedfieldThe Game of Life and How to Play It, by Florence Scovel ShinnLiving with Joy, by Sanaya RomanA Soul's Journey, by Peter Richelieu.

Steinbeck's "The Grapes of Wrath," hands down.

Too many to pick from.. I am a big reader and if you can give me a little more detail about what kind of fiction you usually read I might be able to help you... I usually read anything to everything..let me know which fiction genre you like and I can give you some of the best ones...

My favorite book of all time is Gone With the Wind. Great book. I love the Bible too.

Right now I am reading Best Friends Forever. Haven't been able to put it down. Just finished Nancy Grace's book, The Eleventh Victim.

I hope she will write another one. I found it very captivating. Bev.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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