The new Hotness Flat Iron is awesome and it has a variable temperature setting making it perfect for all hair types. It also features ceramic and ionic technology to protect your hair from damage. The price is affordable and you get a 4 year warranty too.
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Without a doubt GHD mark 4 are the best, but also if your hair is curly remember you will need a little extra help from serums to keep it smooth and flat.
First of all, never be afraid to ask a stylist what brand of something she is using. If you really liked how the flat iron worked she used, feel free to call her and ask what brand it was. If you are uncomfortable asking, no problem.
I have curly thick hair as well. There are two brands I recommend for curly, unruly or thick hair. First is Rusk.
Any of their ceramic flat irons work awesome. This is the brand I use. You can find these hot irons on Ebay or even at Amazon.
They can be a bit expensive but are worth every penny. They will last many years. I think I paid about $75 for my last one.
The Rusk flat iron has temperature settings so you can decide which setting is best for you. Secondly, the Gold N Hot flat iron is great, as well. It is a bit cheaper but is designed for ethnic hair.
Ethnic hair, as you may know is hard to style. Anyone can use it, it gets very hot and works excellent, as well. You can find these at Sally Beauty Supply.
Either of these will work great no matter how difficult your hair is to style!
Hair that is thick and full of texture can be wiry, unruly or quick to tangle. A professional flat iron is a must for straightening thick or curly hair because you can handle (and need) the high temperatures and advanced technology to flatten without damage. We know there’s really no such thing as “normal” hair.
When we say that, we simply mean hair that’s middle-of-the-road: medium-thickness, not overly dry or oily and doesn’t break easily. It tends to be straight to wavy with some body, and easily adapts to different styles. Thin, fine and naturally straight hair can be styled with just about any flat iron.
Choosing a flat iron with temperature control is important for fine or straight hair in particular. The finer your hair, the cooler your tool temperature should be. Experts suggest starting as low as possible (somewhere around 180°F) and working your way up if necessary.
If you notice frizz, dry ends or breakage, the iron may be too hot.
There are two flat irons that come to mind for straightening hard to manage hair. I suggest either the Gold N Hot flat iron or Rusk Ceramic Flat Iron. But work perfect on African American hair.
The trick is to find a hot iron that has settings and will get very hot. These two I mentioned fit the bill. I often compare my hair to African American hair and had a problem finding a hot iron that would work.
After trying many flat irons, these are the two I own and use. You can buy the Gold N Hot flat iron at Sally Beauty Supply and the Rusk Flat Iron I bought on Ebay. To be quite honest, I do use the Rusk iron more often.
It is just very easy to use and leaves my hair smooth and shiny. After you straighten your hair, apply Rusk Sea Kelp serum for a perfect seal and shine. Hope this helps!
The best are Chi and ghd. I've used them both. Take a look at this site for a more thorough overview .. (rather than me retyping everything) Honestly, once you understand the technology used in flat irons, you can pick any one based on how they are made rather than thinking about a particular brand.
The ones with ceramic plates and that use infrared heat are the best. They get your hair straighter faster, the straightness lasts longer, and there is less damage to your hair because the plates are made of quality materials. Trust me ...ave up to get the best flat iron you can and you'll be happy.
The best flat iron for your hair type is the Karmin G3 Salon Pro, it works amazing with any type of hair and it has tourmaline ceramic plates which don't damage the hair, you can also make curls with it if you like. I use it and my hair looks so soft, shiny and very straight.
I have the Solia flat iron and it works perfectly fine for my unruly hair. I bought it at around $90 from Amazon. I use the Solia Professional Ceramic Ion flat iron because it is easy to manage and use.It also has tourmaline/ceramic plates so it doesn't really cause much damage to your hair compared to other flat irons.
It also comes in different colors to choose from!
At the very outset I want to caution you that excessive use of any iron on hair could result in hair fall or baldness. However, if you use flat iron carefully you could get desired results like Hot Tool Professional Flat Iron is a non-saloon iron which is suitable for coarse, thick and ethnic hair. It costs $60.
Sedu Pro Ionic Ceramic Tourmaline Flat Iron comes for around $240. My wife has been using it for quite some time and found it useful its highest temperature is 420 degrees which is a perfect choice for coarse hair. Out of the two the third one HAl Convertible Ceramic Flat Iron comes for $140.
This flat iron starts working within 25 seconds. It has a highest temperature of 390 degrees and well handles fragile, coarse and thick hair.
I have used the chi and it works really well. The titanium is a little better than ceramic. Its just about how the iron distributes the heat and how it heats the hair.
One thing to consider, is that Irons with a PTFC heater, capable of producing far infrared heat, are the best because they warm the hair from the inside out causing less damage to the hair. FHI Heat flat is made from these materials. - You can get almost any flat iron from Amazon with free shipping.
If you don't want to buy online go to a professional beauty supply like Sally Beauty. More than the flat iron, you also want to use the right products and the right technique. You want your hair to be well conditioned, use a good heat protectant and then put on a good moisture blocker when you are done.
The Fructis Sleek and Shine line is really good and at a great price. Check out this tutorial for some great tips: Source: Personal experience.
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