Back in October, 2009 I heard an excellent discussion of flat screen HDTVs on National Public Radio's _All Things Considered_. The (perhaps surprising) winner was Vizio, out of California. Here is the beginning of the article: "Americans will buy about 35 million televisions this year, and Japan's Sony and Korea's Samsung are two of the biggest brand names.
But there's a California company sharing the top of the list with those industry leaders: Vizio. Like many other American brands, the Orange County-based upstart doesn't manufacture anything in the U.S. Vizio made its mark as the low-priced value brand. It was at the right place at the right time, with the right idea.
Back in 2001, Vizio's three founders had a company that was making computer monitors, but co-founder Ken Lowe says the trio was looking for the next big thing. " Along the way, they've managed to set high standards and build in energy efficiency and keep costs down. You can find these televisions at Sam's Club, Costco, Target, Walmart, the various lower overhead retail outlets.
PC World has a series of articles about how to buy flat-screen HDTVs. You'll have to decide what size is best and what features you want. These will explain about resolution, DVI, HDMI, aspect ratio, contrast, and many other aspects when choosing a television.In short, how bright, what do you want to play on it, how do you want programming or films to look, and what do you need for the television to look good in the place where you want to put it for viewing (a bright room, a dimly lit room, a large set, a compact one, etc? ) I haven't bought one yet, I'm biding my time, but when the time comes I'll probably head over to Sam's Club and buy a Vizio.
Panasonic Viera TC-P50V10 I have a friend who just installs tvs all day and he told me that this one is by far the best out right now. He mainly told me that what he likes about it is the THX auto adjusting picture. With that you do not need professional calibration of your picture.
Further research on it put it in the top 3 HDs available on
No matter what others may do Sony is still the top HDTV brand. In this Nov 25, 2008 9:00 pm article by it states that "Sony HDTVs Rated Most Reliable by PC World Readers". According to this Sony HDTV got a five star review I high recommend it Sony KDL-52XBR9 52" 240hz 1080p LCD HDTV .
You can purchase this HDTV from Price: $1,847.00 Here is the link to the this page have a variety of HDTVS to chose from you will find it very helpful Html ----quote---- Sony HDTVs Rated Most Reliable by PC World Readers Sony gets far and away the highest reliability and service scores in our reader survey. LG, Panasonic, Samsung, Sharp, and Vizio all earn favorable marks as well.
Sony HDTVs Win Big; Mitsubishi Struggles The big winner was Sony, which was better than average in seven of nine measures. The electronics giant, known for high-quality, high-end HDTVs, earned praise for hardware reliability and customer service. It received average marks in ease of use and phone hold time.
Five companies--LG, Panasonic, Samsung, Sharp, and Vizio--had two high scores each. Overall, readers reported greater satisfaction with the reliability of Panasonic, Samsung, and Sony sets. They also gave credit to LG, Sharp, and Vizio for making TVs with fewer serious issues.
----quote---- Information quoted from Html
These are the top 5 HDTV for 2010 listed at 1. LG Infinia LE9500 3D-Ready LED TV - world's thinnest LED TV -3D-Ready support - Skype capabilities, streaming media - superior sound quality.2.
Toshiba Cell TVs - use same processor used in Playstation 3 & 3D capability - has TriVector Cell that enables converting @D content into 3D content. 3. Samsung LED 9000 Series - slickest TV set - has the width of a number two pencil - 3D and capable of converting 2D into 3D 4.
LG 15-inch OLED TV - biggest OLED TV - produces super crisp picture and stunning picture quality 5. Sony 3D Bravia TV - includes an edge-lit LED backligh system - 240Hz processing, integrated WiFi & two active shutter glasses.
To answer your question it depends on the room environment you are watching your HDTV in and the types of programs you use your TV for whether it be broadcast TV, sports, gaming, blu-ray etc. Sony Bravia, Panasonic Viera, Sharp Aquos, LG etc are all very good models however they were intended for different purposes and function better in different environments. An example is that Plasma TV's have glass screens that are highly reflective and not good for placing in rooms with direct sunlight. LCD's have a matte finish which makes them ideal for bright sunny rooms.
Plasma's however handle fast motion objects for sports and gaming better than most LCD's and are cheaper in larger sizes. You can research for hours and hours but what is important is that you buy the right TV for each room in your home the first time around. I don't think most people looking to buy TV's want to sit on Wikipedia and TV research sites for days on end only to become even more confused.
Consider using an HDTV finder like the The HDTV Genie so you can eliminate alot of the guess work and save both time and money.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.