There are several different brands of pen-style e-cigarettes on the market. The internet is absolutely flooded with new and improved e-cigarettes. What one feels is best may not be best for the next person as each person tends to smoke their cigarettes a bit differently.
Of the most common things throat hit and battery life seems to be of the biggest factors. The Sedansa Diva seems to be one of the best if not the best out there. The throat hit or TH is outstanding and the battery life is exceptional.It also just looks great.
You can tell by looking at this electronic cigarette that it’s well made. It looks far more expensive than what it actually is.My recommendation is buying the kit. For about $150.00 you get the pen-style cigarette, 1 battery that has an extra long life, a charger, a plug cable, 1 car charger adaptor, an extra USB charger, a carrying bag and 5 pre-filled cartridges.
It’s a great deal and you can purchase it here: If you live in the United States it may take a while on shipping as the product comes from the UK, but overall it really does seem to have the best reviews and for the money, it’s the best deal. The only other downfall is that some people claim that customer service at Sedansa is a bit slow. Mind you, they will contact you and take care of any problems you might have, but they are rather slow at doing it.
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