Great question and one that - if you have a new puppy or a dog that has an accident now and again - is an important one to get answered. Honestly the best (and the cheapest) is 3 parts water mixed with 1 part white vinegar. This both neutralizes the stain and the pup won't return to the spot again - they don't like the scent.
I suggest getting a really good super absorbent microfiber towel or cloth that will soak up all the moisture so that your carpet, carpet pad and flooring underneath are completely dry (think - about purchasing on of those 'specially advertised' TV offer ones if you are cleaning up these 'spills' often). If any moisture remains, odors can linger. You said you have dogs that are house trained, but if a dog is resistant to house training or having set backs, you might want to think about limiting his or her access to carpeted areas until s/he is more reliable taking care of business 'outside'.
You might want to check with a vet if an older reliable dog suddenly starts having accidents, just to rule out medical issues that could be treated. For dogs learning the ropes or needing some space for possible accidents, you can gate them in a kitchen when unsupervised or consider kennel or crate training! Here are some resources on Mahalo that have some additional detail on these topics: Good luck and have fun with your pup.
For many reasons our dog may have peed on the carpet the outcome is the smelly stained carpet. When our dog/cat pees on the carpet it leaves an odor that your dog/cat may repeatedly return to. We are using the “Spot shot�
The best urine removal from our carpet. We avoid using ammonia based products to clean dog urine because the dog used to like the smell of ammonia to urinate. SmartCarpet - Heavy Duty Spot & Stain Remover (150ml) is also a good product.
Available at Pet Stores and Home Depot is very good for stain and odor remove from carpet.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.