Streaming Video Recorder is a powerful video stream recorder tool to help you record streaming video and record streaming movies to your local disk, and save as video files in any popular format. It is the best way to record the video for later editing from Ustream. Tv or
I think the screen capturing would be the best solution for you. It allows you to record streaming video from web cam to hard disk, and save it in a variety of formats. I've done more video capturing than I care to remember, converting analog VHS tapes to digital.In my experience, AVI is a good format if you want to be able to edit these captures later.
So, go for any of the programs listed in the referred page, as long as it records and saves the captured video and audio in AVI format.
U - STREAM -does one thing and does it really well. If you are looking for a solution to broadcast live from your camera, by way of your computer, UStream makes it very easy to get started. Providing you with an embeddable video player and a TV-guide style listing of forthcoming events, UStream allows you to create truly live videos that can be inserted into any website or blog.
Once your live show has finished, your videos are archived and can be watched back at any time. Suited to: Situations where broadcasting live is of peak importance, from up-to-the-minute (on-location) news reports, to reality-TV-style lifecasting in the style of Justin. TV Not suitable for: Situations where you want to edit your live feed on the fly, or insert other media into your stream, such as a musical soundtrack, or pre-recorded video clips.
Upstream s the best way to stream live and record the video.
Adria, I was into video editing a while ago but not anymore. So I hope some of the advice below can help you. As far as I understand, you're looking for the best video format in order to edit your videos.
UStream and Justin. Tv use the FLV format when displaying videos because FLV is currently the most ideal format for video on the Internet...YouTube, Metacafe, they all use it. Because FLV is not supported by many video editors, the best thing to do is to convert it.
Here's UStream instructions for converting FLV videos: "How to Convert Recorded Video Files to Different File Types and How to Download Them You can convert your Ustream Recorded video files to . Wmv, . Mov, or .
Mp4. To do so, go your "My Videos" page and click on "Video format conversions". After selecting your format, it will take a few minutes to convert the file.
The format name will turn blue next to the "Download" option once the video is converted. You will then be able to download them by clicking on the format type in blue. " Unfortunately, I haven't found such instructions on Justin.Tv except the obvious ones (use a screen capture software) which is not really a good solution.
So the answer to your question is: UStream. I've seen many 'gurus' in the internet marketing industry that use it too and it is probably because of the reason above. Plus, they use Adobe technology almost 99% of the time.
Now, about the quality of the videos, I see that you discovered FME. Currently, as far as I know, this is the biggest enhancement in quality you can make. Also, consider what program you'll use for editing.
Your graphic card seems very weak. I recommend you get Nvidia higher generation card, especially if using After Effects for editing.So, in summary: - Use UStream (currently they have more options for your needs. ) + as far as I can see, they have a huge cooperation with Adobe...and you know what Adobe means for video and video quality.
Hope this helped.
Well,Its pretty simple actually .... Just download a downloading software called "orbit downloader" from Now start it after installation and right click (while it is in you task bar) and click on "Grab ++" It will open another wind,minimize it and go to your video and just refresh the page ..... That playing video will appear on Grab++ and you can download it from there for further use. Moreover,you can convert it to any format you want by "total converter.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.